iOS 5.1 code hints new iPhone could have 4G LTE

Apple’s new iPad has been receiving much high praise for its Retina Display, the showcase feature during its unveiling earlier this month, but the inclusion of a 4G LTE-capable option has prompted quite a few discussions over whether Apple’s new iPhone will be 4G-ready.

According to Krishna Sagar, a tipster writing to iDownload Blog, Apple is definitely working on a 4G LTE iPhone, and iOS 5.1 has the code to prove it.


Using iFile on a jailbroken iPhone 4 (running iOS 5.1, of course) Sagar was able to find code strings indicating 4G connectivity actions during phone calls, including code that ends a 4G call when FaceTime is activated. iDownload Blog transcribed screenshots from iOS 5.1:

“4G_ON_CALL_CANCEL” = “Cancel”;
“4G_ON_CALL_OK_DISABLE” = “Disable”;
“4G_ON_CALL_OK_ENABLE” = “Enable”;
“4G_ON_CALL_WARNING_DISABLE” = “Disabling 4G will end your phone call. Are you sure you want to disable 4G?”;
“4G_ON_CALL_WARNING_ENABLE” = “Enabling 4G will end your phone call. Are you sure you want to enable 4G?”;
“4G_ON_FACETIME_4G_WARNING_DISABLE” = “Disabling 4G will end FaceTime. Are you sure you want to disable 4G?”;
“4G_ON_FACETIME_WIFI_WARNING_DISABLE” = “Disabling 4G may end FaceTime. Are you sure you want to disable 4G?”;
“4G_TEXT” = “Using 4G loads data faster, but may decrease battery life.”;

iDownload Blog also posted a video of the code being accessed:

For any of you tech types who want to test this out, you can find the code in this file:

  • var/stash/Applications/

Code is usually a pretty good sign that something is in the works, but it doesn’t necessarily mean the next iPhone will be 4G LTE-ready. It does show, however, that 4G connectivity is already inserted into iOS and, if the hardware allows, can be implemented.

The major sticking point for phones using LTE is still battery life, a feature that is the most heavily criticized in current 4G phone reviews.

Will Apple be able to solve the battery issues surrounding 4G LTE in smaller mobile devices like the next iPhone? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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