HTC reckons it’s got something new up its sleeve. Could the hotly tipped HTC M7 be the smart phone to “kick off a new sound and camera experience in 2013”?
HTC teases its purported photographic innovation in an infographic tracing the history of photography from the Daguerreotype up to today’s camera phones. The infographic notes that in 2012 the megapixel wars escalated with the coming of the 41-megapixel Nokia 808 PureView, but quotes an unnamed reviewer who pooh-poohs the usefulness of that behemoth of a camera.
The 808 PureView remains something of a novelty, but whispers persist the technology will trickle down to Nokia’s Lumia lineup of Windows Phone smart phones, possibly in the rumoured Nokia EOS PureView. Judging by the disparaging notes about climbing megapixel counts, HTC probably won’t go the multi-megapixel route, so will probably add more features to a more conventionally specced camera in its new models, or perhaps reinvent the technology behind the lens.
We could find out in just a couple of weeks. HTC is revealing some new stuff at a launch event on 19 February. It’s aiming to steal a march on rivals by making its announcement before the big trade show Mobile World Congress where phone companies traditionally show off their wares for the coming year. It’s a safe bet we’ll see the M7, which has been heavily leaked and was recently spotted in the hands of HTC’s boss.
We’ll be at MWC mob-handed as always, so keep it CNET for all the essential news, previews and videos of the coolest new phones, tablets and other telephonic kit from 25-28 February.
What would you like to change about camera phones? Does HTC have something clever up its sleeve? Tell me your thoughts in the comments or on our Facebook page.