Who’s been sleeping in my 5.9-inch aluminium chassis? The HTC One Max, that’s who, Daddy Bear. This latest leaked pic shows the classy metal rears of HTC’s One mobile range — including the unannounced Max.
The image comes courtesy of sieve-esque Hong Kong retailer ePrice, which reckons the supersized phone won’t arrive until October.
See that black square under the camera? The site reckons that’s a fingerprint reader, which could be this year’s must-have gimmick if the iPhone 5S comes packing one next month. Or it could just be a sticker.
There are also three little connector-looking jobbies at the bottom right of the back panel, which ePrice conjectures may be for attaching accessories. With such a vast screen, they could conceivably be for a mini-keyboard.
If we clump that speculation with the fingerprint reader, this could be HTC’s attempt at bagging some of the business market. Mind you, it’s all just blurry pixels and hot air until we meet the Max in person, so I wouldn’t pay too much attention if I were you.
Supposed specs
What else do we already know about the Max? It’ll apparently have a 5.9-inch 1080p screen, a Snapdragon 800 processor, 2GB of RAM and a microSD card slot, which its more reasonably proportioned family members don’t offer. It’ll go up against the mighty Sony Xperia Z Ultra and the hotly tipped Samsung Galaxy Note 3, which is due out next month.
Last week an HTC bigwig promised a new “variant” of the One would appear in the fourth quarter of the year, which ties in with the October release mentioned above. The company teased that there were “Big Things Ahead” in an ad that foreshadowed Robert Downey Jr’s oddball debut as its corporate spokesperson.
It might be vast, but the Max already has huge shoes to fill, with the One and One Mini both impressing us enormously in their reviews. The Mini in particular is superb value.
Are you bummed that the One Max could be two whole months away? Or has a more modestly sized blower caught your fancy? Max out our comments system below, or visit our minimalist Facebook page.

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