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Google smart contacts come into focus with Alcon
In this tech-news roundup:
- We could be one year away from a world of computerized contacts. Novartis, the owner of Alcon, will be working with Google to produce smart contact lenses that can help diabetics. The goal is to create contacts with sensors that can measure blood sugar levels in tears. Prototypes could be ready by early 2015.
- See if Google can keep us safer from cyberattacks with the new Project Zero task force. This team is on a mission to hunt for security problems in software to make the Internet a little safer to surf.
- Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony are getting more competition. LeapFrog is coming out with the LeapTV, a video game TV console for little kids.
- Fitness trackers are getting more fashionable. Designer Tory Burch is selling jewelry accessories for the Fitbit Flex.
- Set phasers to channel surf with the Star Trek remote control phaser gun. It’ll beam down to retailers for $150.
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Google smart contacts come into focus with Alcon
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