BlackBerry CEO John Chen wants you to know that his newly unveiled Passport smartphone won’t fold under pressure.

Screenshot by Claire Reilly/CNET
“I challenge you to bend the Passport,” Chen said at the company’s launch event for the device.
Chen was quick to bring up the issue, without actually mentioning the iPhone by name, only referring to it as that “other phone.” It isn’t the first time he has slammed his competitor, previously criticizing its weaker battery life and inferior security.
It’s the latest barb fired off at Apple since the emergence of “bendgate,” or reports that the thinner aluminum bodies of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are prone to bending. Photos have popped up online of warped iPhones stressed from simply being in a pocket.
Apple couldn’t immediately be reached for comment on Chen’s remark. The company previously declined to comment on the bending controversy.
For BlackBerry’s part, Chen is hoping to get as much attention as possible for the Passport , which is the company’s latest attempt to revive its smartphone business.