Drinking responsible for half of all UK’s lost work phones

Here’s a sobering fact: Out of all the work smart phones in the UK that go missing, over half do so while the owner is out enjoying an alcoholic beverage. That’s according to a report by cloud security firm Trend Micro.

Over a quarter (27 per cent) of smart phone users have had up to three work devices lost or stolen, with 52 per cent out drinking at the time. As if the hangover wasn’t enough to deal with without having to explain to the boss how you lost your work mobile.

The report shows not only that cybercriminals are targeting mobiles, but also there’s a “culture of carelessness” that us Brits have towards work devices.

The report surveyed 2,500 adults throughout the UK. It was conducted with help from the Centre for Creative and Social Technology (CAST) at Goldsmiths, University of London, and Vision Critical, a market research firm.

It also revealed that of UK workers who lost their work device, 26 per cent did so on the Tube, and 22 per cent in a bar (though we’re not alone in this last one). 31 per cent of UK workers use Wi-Fi hotspots regularly, but 56 per cent say they ‘never’ or ‘rarely’ check how secure they are before doing so.

Unsurprisingly, we’re much more careful with our own belongings. Just 11 per cent of respondents had lost their own smart phone. And 44 per cent are more concerned about losing their own content like photos and videos than the company’s info. Just 3 per cent worried about losing corporate data.

It all adds up to a rather worrying picture of UK workers. Though I would argue the problem is with the companies themselves not communicating how important it is to not lose company data, and the ramifications for all concerned. Not to mention making sure their workers aren’t disaffected, but that’s another debate entirely.

Have you ever lost a work mobile? With the Christmas party season approaching, what can we do to safeguard against losing our gadgets? Let me know in the comments, or prop up at the bar over at our Facebook page.

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