You may remember us lamenting the lack of 4G coverage here in San Francisco (and even inconsistent 3G coverage in some pockets), but all that changed when Nicole noticed the 4G WiMax indicator pop up on her Sprint Overdrive device. MetroPCS had its share of 4G news, too, this week, when it opened an LTE network in Las Vegas. This is a pretty bold move for the second-tier carrier.
In other news, the Droid X got Android 2.2 and Adobe’s Flash Player; Nicole outlines a plan for better Android customer service; and we discuss rumors of the BlackBerry tablet–which may or may not be called the BlackPad. We also wish Jason a tearful goodbye as he roams on to other pastures, and welcome Benito as our new technical producer.

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Sprint 4G detected in San Francisco
MetroPCS launches first 4G LTE market and phone
Samsung Epic 4G first to get Media Hub
GPS update available for Samsung Captivate
Droid X getting Android 2.2 update September 22
Adobe’s Flash Player 10.1 on the Droid X (hands on)
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