Blerg! Play ‘Scene It? 30 Rock’ on your iPhone

Scene It? 30 Rock offers 30 episodes' worth of fun and funny interactive trivia.
Scene It? 30 Rock offers 30 episodes’ worth of fun and funny interactive trivia.
Screenshot by Rick Broida

Like “30 Rock”? Got two bucks to spare? Then do yourself a favor and grab Scene It? 30 Rock, a new iPhone game that’ll have you “lizzing” with joy.

In case you’re not familiar with them, the Scene It? games are basically interactive trivia. You might, for example, watch a video clip from the show, then have to answer a question about the scene. Or unscramble the letters from one of Frank’s hats. Or match a catchphrase with the proper character.

Scene It? 30 Rock serves up 15 different kinds of questions spread out across 30 “episodes,” the latter tagged with amusing names like Blerg, What the What? and Suck It Monkeys.

All the questions are timed; the faster you answer (assuming you answer correctly), the higher your score. So even after you complete one episode, you might have incentive to go back and play it again.

Test your knowledge of "30 Rock".Test your knowledge of "30 Rock".
Test your knowledge of “30 Rock.”
Screenshot by Rick Broida

Of course, like all Scene It? games, this one is best played with friends. The app supports local multiplayer via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi with up to four iOS devices. In an ideal universe, the app would offer online multiplayer–and Tina Fey would run away with me to a remote island…hey! Whoops, sorry, was that out loud?

There’s also The Beeper King, a last-man-standing game played by passing your iPhone (or iPad, iPod, etc.) from one player to another. Each person has to answer a question correctly before passing the device; a random timer knocks out whoever is too slow.

Except for a rather annoying number of “Buy 30 Rock” come-ons that appear both during the game and after, I think Scene It? 30 Rock, well, rocks. It’s a must-have for fans of the show.

Confession time: until now I didn’t know the Scene It? games (which started out in DVD form) had migrated to the iPhone. As it turns out, there are four more of them, including Movies, Comedy Movies, Twilight, and the just-released Horror. Like 30 Rock, they’re priced at $1.99 each.

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