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Quick access
The BlackBerry OS has been evolving now for nearly a decade and through its many iterations a wealth of shortcuts have been introduced across many of the major applications to make using your smartphone so much easier.
BlackBerry handsets are famous for their full-QWERTY keyboards, and as such, many of the application shortcuts incorporate combinations of keystrokes, similar to shortcuts you’ll use on a desktop computer. Below is the most recent list of shortcuts as compiled by BlackBerry manufacturer Research in Motion for its Bold 9000 handset, though most if not all of these shortcuts will work for BlackBerry handsets with physical keyboards.
Basic shortcuts
Search for contact | Type contact name or initials separated by space |
Search for text in messages | S |
Search for text on web page or attachment | F |
Insert a full stop | Space twice, next letter is capitalised |
Insert “@” in an email address | Space twice after username |
Capitalise letter | Hold letter until capital appears |
Highlight a line of text | Hold Alt and select text with trackball |
Copy text | Hold Alt and click Trackball |
Cut text | Hold Alt and Backspace |
Paste text | Hold Shift and click Trackball |
Switch application | Hold Alt and press Esc until the desired app is highlighted then release Alt |
Messaging shortcuts — inbox
View received messages | Alt + I |
View sent messages | Alt + O |
View SMS | Alt + S |
Open highlighted message | Enter |
Compose new message | C |
Move up the list | Shift + Space |
Move down the list | Space |
Go to top of list | T |
Go to bottom of list | B |
Go to previous date range | P |
Messaging shortcuts — in open message
To reply | R |
To reply all | L |
To forward a message | F |
View email address of sender | Highlight sender then press Q |
Go to next date range | N |
Next unopened item | U |
Next related item | J |
Previous related item | K |
Web browser shortcuts
Zoom in on page | I |
Zoom out on page | O |
Open bookmarks | K |
Add bookmark | A |
Go to Home | H |
Open history | Y |
Refresh a page | R |
Stop a page loading | Esc |
Select a link | Highlight link + Enter |
Move up a page | Shift + Space |
Move down a page | Space |
Go to top of a page | T |
Go to bootom of a page | B |
Hide/display banner | U |
Save web page to message list | S |
Insert “.” in address bar | Space |
Insert “/” in address bar | Shift + Space |
Hide the browser | D |
Close the browser | Hold Esc until it closes |
Calender shortcuts — day view
Change to week view | W |
Change to month view | M |
Back to day view | D |
Schedule appointment | C |
Move to next day/week/month | Soace |
Move to previous day/week/month | Shift + Space |
Go to current day | T |
Go to specific date | G |
Multimedia controls
Take a photo | Use dedicated camera key |
Camera zoom in | Up volume |
Camera zoom out | Down volume |
Camera flash mode | Space in camera software |
Next song in playlist | Hold volume down |
Previos song in playlist | Hold volume up |
Play/pause playlist | Mute key |
Move from playlist to media controls | Space |
Rotate image in gallery | R |
Zoom in image in gallery | I |
Zoom out image in gallery | O |