How would you advertise a new BlackBerry smart phone? With a dinosaur humping a train, of course! The Blackberry Bold 9900 and BlackBerry 9860 haven’t been announced yet, but there are plenty of pictures and details floating about the Web — and now you can even see the TV adverts for the new phones, including giant robots on London’s streets and the aforementioned amorous dino.
The 9900 appears to be the BlackBerry Bold Touch. The GSM version is codenamed Dakota and the CDMA is known as Montana. It’s likely to feature a 480×640-pixel screen, a 5-megapixel camera and a 1.2GHz processor, with NFC payments also included.
The 9860 could be the BlackBerry Storm 3, also known as the 9850 or Monaco. That phone packs a 3.7-inch touchscreen, 1.2GHz chip and 5-megapixel 720p camera.
We know the mobile phone industry is leakier than a colander with a
sieve in it, but this is summink else. Leaked photos and even stray
handsets are one thing, but leaked TV ads are another level entirely. The adverts have quickly spread to YouTube, and will probably be yanked sharpish by BlackBerry manufacturer RIM, but here they are anyway — hit play below to see each of the new phones.
The ad for the Blackberry Bold 9900 shows assorted phone-related icons whizzing around a cityscape, as an email icon wings its way to a chap standing on a rooftop. People in telly are always standing on rooftops — when was the last time you stood on a rooftop? We don’t even know how to get on to the roof at CNET Towers. In fact, we don’t even know how to get out of the basement since our editor boarded up the door.
The advert for the BlackBerry 9860 is way more exciting. A chap wandering around London sends some music to a lady on a rooftop — another one! — and on its way the tune passes icons that highlight the phone’s multimedia capabilities, including filming trains and playing a game involving Lego-like pixelised robots climbing up a building near London’s Liverpool Street station. Click play below, and look out for the dinosaur mounting a train.
Keep it Crave for more mobile phone news, reviews and scurrilous gossip. We can’t promise any more dinosaurs though. Sorry.