AT&T has taken off the boxing gloves in its fight against the Google Voice service and proposed changes to Net neutrality rules.
In a letter sent to the FCC (PDF) on Wednesday, AT&T went on the attack to portray Google as a powerful company that’s trying to fool the FCC into believing that the rules shouldn’t apply to it.
In the letter, AT&T is trying to cover all of its bases. This means that, at times, it’s hard to follow which arguments it’s trying to make–the one about Google Voice or the one about Net neutrality. And it doesn’t help that AT&T stoops a little low by referencing a convent of Benedictine nuns in a list of those hurt by having calls to their numbers blocked to and from Google Voice numbers.
Read more of “AT&T to FCC: Close loopholes and write rules that apply to Google, too” on ZDNet’s Between the Lines.