Josh Miller/CNET
Apple Watch owners are giving a strong thumb’s up to the wearable device, according to a new poll from 451 Research.
Among 145 Apple Watch owners questioned, 54 percent said they’re “very satisfied” with the device, while 33 percent said they’re “somewhat satisfied” with it, resulting in a hefty 87 percent who gave the watch a good grade. Only 6 percent said they’re “somewhat unsatisfied” with it, with another 6 percent saying they’re “very unsatisfied.”
Conducted by 451 Research from July 27 through August 4, the survey focused on overall satisfaction and major likes and dislikes of the Apple Watch as well as its effect on similar products.
Though the survey measured responses from only 145 people, extrapolating those results to a larger audience puts the watch in a highly positive light. Apple designed the watch to appeal to a wide range of buyers, offering three different models starting at prices ranging from from $349 for the Sport version to $549 for the Apple Watch version to $10,000 for the Apple Watch Edition. Trying to make a product that’s all things to all people could’ve resulted in a lemon. But the many features may actually be helping the watch better compete with other wearables on the market.
“Our latest survey shows the Apple Watch is off to a great start, with high marks in satisfaction and a strong likelihood of recommending it to others,” 451 Research survey research director Andy Golub said in a press release. “The wide range of features on the device and its frequent usage among owners pose a clear threat to health and fitness monitors and traditional watches.”
Among the Apple Watch owners polled, 28 percent said the device exceeds their expectations, while 51 percent said it meets them. Asked if they’d recommend the watch to someone else, 55 percent said they’d be very likely to do so, while 28 percent said they’d be somewhat likely.
What do owners like and dislike about the Apple Watch?
Notifications was the top like, as expressed by 49 percent of those polled. Notifications include new emails, phone calls, calendar appointments, messages and other alerts sent from your iPhone to the watch. Next on the list was health and fitness monitoring, mentioned as a top like by 41 percent of those surveyed. The Apple Watch can monitor and keep track of your daily activities, such as walking, biking, jogging and other forms of exercise. And the design of the watch was cited as a top feature by 30 percent of owners.
On the downside, 37 percent of those polled said the battery life is too short, while 31 percent cited the watch’s reliance on the iPhone as a negative. Other gripes included the lack of waterproofing, the limited selection of apps and the high learning curve. And 29 percent complained about the lag time when scrolling through or refreshing the watch’s display.
At least one of those weaknesses will be addressed in the second version of the Apple WatchOS, due to be released on Wednesday. The new version will lessen the reliance on the iPhone by bringing more native apps to the watch that can function on their own.
The Apple Watch is shaping up to be a threat to similar devices based on the reactions of those polled. Almost half of the owners (46 percent) say they planned to buy a health and fitness monitor but cancelled or put those plans on hold after buying an Apple Watch. And 69 percent said the Apple Watch has replaced the traditional watch that they wore every day or several times a week.
Finally, is the Apple Watch a technology device or a fashion statement? A full 61 percent said they see it as a tech device, while only 1 percent perceive it as a fashion accessory. But 36 percent view it as both.
The survey was conducted online and consisted primarily of people polled in North America.