Auction site eBay says UK listings of Android phones have increased by 119 per cent in the last month, a spike the site blames on smart phone owners trying to sell their existing or older mobiles to swap for the Samsung Galaxy S3.
It’s not just Android phones people are especially keen to flog this month — eBay says iPhone listings have jumped by 45 per cent as well, indicating there are Apple fans out there ready to switch to Android. The figures only relate to British listings.
eBay’s internal data pegs the average selling price of a smart phone at £109, while iPhones go for £213 on average. “This is the first time anything other than an Apple product has sparked such a selling frenzy,” an eBay spokesperson said.
If you’re not interested in the Galaxy S3, but are looking to pick up a second-hand Android phone, now would be the time. The bump in the number of listed phones means prices will likely fall.
Those who have listed their phones on the bidding site in order to pick up a Galaxy S3 may have acted prematurely, as even though the S3 goes on sale in the UK today, Samsung’s just confirmed that the blue version of its quad-core toy has been delayed.
My esteemed colleague Natasha recently anointed the Galaxy S3 with a CNET Editor’s Choice award for being generally brilliant. In terms of performance, design and even battery life it’s looking like a winner, but will it take the sheen off Apple’s upcoming iPhone 5?
Would you trade your existing phone for a Galaxy S3? Is Samsung’s latest effort the best smart phone ever made, or should we not believe the hype? Bung your sentiments into the comments, or onto our Facebook wall.