Android Atlas Weekly 70: Email

We take a whole show to answer your emails and voicemails, but first we discuss the coming of the quad-core tablet. All of that plus we pick the winner of episode 69’s contest on this week’s episode.

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Ep. 70: Email-a-palooza!



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Galaxy Nexus Nov 10th

Galaxy Nexus to hit the UK on November 16th

Motorola: Ice Cream Sandwich devices coming 6 weeks after release (Update: devices confirmed)

Ice Cream Sandwich port for Nexus S available for download

Ice Cream Sandwich: Say goodbye to bloatware

Verizon locks down phones; will it affect the Samsung Galaxy Nexus?

Top Android phones by carrier (roundup)

Android overtakes iOS in mobile app downloads

Asus’ new Android Transformer tablet going quad-core


Just heard episode 68 and 69 – looks like you have two listeners from Iowa!

Love the show



Hello Android Atlas team:

This question is not truly Android specific, but it’s because I want to keep up with the latest Android devices that I’m asking the question.

I’ve decided that I want to get a new Android phone at least once a year. (Right now I’m currently stuck 1 year into a 2 year Sprint contract with my Evo 4g. But I’ve decided never again will I do another 2 year contract.)

So my question is: Now that Sprint and Verizon eliminated there 1 year contract options (boooo), what do you guys suggest for people who want to upgrade often?

Is buying the phone at full price and doing a month-to-month contract the best (but probably the most expensive) option? Also I was curious if you guys do contracts or always buy the phone outright?

As a follow up question if you have time, what are you thoughts on buying phones from other sources such as Ebay. Is that a safe way to get cheaper phones?

Thank you very much,
Ryan P., Palm Bay, Florida


Is it me or does the galaxy s 2 have better specs, I jus got thru watchin the reveal, and it seems that specs are little underwhelming compared to the gs2. What do you guys think? I don’t know, let’s have a SPEC SHOOTOUT!


Hi Guys,

I always enjoy and learn a lot about Android by listening to your podcasts. I am very impressed with IceCream Sandwich and I wanted to purchase the first Sprint phone supporting thenew OS. I insist that all my new smartphones have a removable battery and removable (expandable) SD card. I have heard that the new Galaxy Nexus might not have a removable battery and/or a removable SD card. I would have given up Sprint’s unlimited data and gone to Verizon or another carrier for Ice Cream Sandwich, but losing the removable battery is a deal breaker. I carry aspare battery in my pocket, just like a spare tire on my cars. I need the spare battery on my Android about twice a month, the spare tire on my car about once every four years, but when I need it, it is very helpful. Would you please comment on the next Podcast if any new phones have a removable battery and/or removable SD card?

Thanks, David

Generally speaking, unless we (or the Internet at large) complains about a lack of removable battery or storage media, then you can assume that they’re there. That said, the Galaxy Nexus will likely have a removable battery, but not a removable microSD card. (That was the setup of the Galaxy S.)

On the other hand, the Droid RAZR will not feature a removable battery because of its thing construction, but will feature a removable microSD card. So, its a different kind of compromise.

Additionally, if you really like Sprint, I wouldn’t advise that you jump ship for a phone as that carrier is bound to get an ICS phone sometime in the next few months (even if it’s just an upgrade to the Nexus S 4G).


Eric has a question about too many apps on his phone

The problem with keeping too many apps on your phone is a two-fold one. 1) the apps are taking up space in your memory which you will, eventually, fill up and B) many apps will run as background processes to occasionally poll the internet or monitor your system, even if you’re not actively using them. You’ll want to beware of this because too many apps grabbing for resources can slow your handset’s performance. Try archiving the apps you’re not using with Astro and un-installing them. You’ll still be able to reinstall when you need them without paying, but you won’t be cluttering the system. Actually, once you’ve “paid” for the free app, you should be able to reinstall from Amazon’s App Store at any time without paying.


Nathan from Ohio has a question about his turn by turn navigation

I don’t know how things work on the Droid 2 Global’s CM7 ROM, but on my Thunderbolt, I ran into a similar issue. Here’s how I solved it. First, I switched to 3G mode (this shouldn’t be an issue for you). Next, I backed up my apps and reinstalled the stock ROM. You shouldn’t lose your root access doing this. Once you’re on the stock ROM, acquire a solid GPS lock. You can use an app like GPS Status to check this. With the GPS lock acquired, go ahead and reinstall CM7 and your GPS should be working. You Thunderbolt users should know that this is also the technique for getting 4G data connectivity to work with CM7. Simply wait for the 3G data to connect, then switch back to 4G to gain access to the full speed connection.

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