The next Nexus phone is already delayed, bits of Ice Cream Sandwich leak onto the ‘Net, and Android apps are coming soon to your PC and iPad.

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Ep. 68: Rumors and leaks, delays and disappointment
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More Galaxy Nexus, Ice Cream Sandwich details leak including Verizon Wireless exclusivity…
Samsung, Google postpone Galaxy Nexus launch stating “this is not the appropriate time
New rumors points at November 3rd for actual ICS/Galaxy Nexus launch date
Samsung Galaxy Nexus Is Official Nexus Prime Name, Say Two Photos
Can’t wait for Android Ice Cream Sandwich? Check out these leaked updates to the Music and Google+ apps
“Faster. Thinner. Smarter. Stronger.” Are Motorola & Verizon going to debut the Droid RAZR on Oct. 18?
AT&T announces 5 new phones including Atrix 2, Captivate Glide
Android apps can now run on your PC via BlueStacks
Android apps to run on iPad with Alien Dalvik 2.0
Amazon’s Kindle Fire tablet hit by patent lawsuit
Yes, a listener from South Korea here!
What’s up guys? [I] enjoy your show and, yes, I live in Korea and listen to your show weekly.
Unfortunately, i don’t have the LG phone you mentioned, but I just wanted to let you know you got at least one listener from Korea!
As Antuan said, Samsung is kicking ass these days and in Korea, you literally see Galaxy S1 & 2s everywhere. Even old people rock the Galaxy S. haha
Anyway, love your show! Keep it up. –Jeremy C.
Hi from S Korea
Hi Guys, enjoyed watching your show for the 1st time and even get a request to email you!
Bob Ferry
Feedback about email read on Ep 65
Android Atlas Podcasters,
I am writing about an email that was read and answered on episode 65. It was sent in by Bob from Philly and he basically asked if there is a way to back up apps from his OG droid to a new droid device and not being rooted. You guys answered no but I think you actually can do it with out being rooted. Here is what you need to be able to perform this task. You will need Astro File Manager app, A micro sd card, and the new android device will need to allow you to install 3rd party apps and have a micor sd slot. […] Hope that helps. I love your show and I laugh at the feedback you guys gets about your show. Hey do you and keep making us laugh and current on android. Thank you.
Luis from Columbus, GA
You’re absolutely correct. You can use Astro to backup your apps in that manner. I’ve actually described this very process on episodes 54 and I think 58. However, I didn’t make a mistake and forget to mention it this time around.
Bob asked specifically if there were a way to keep his app data (the example he used was Angry Birds saved data) when he backs up the apps. As I’ve mentioned before, Astro’s backup process will store the .apk file (or the core packed application) but not the data that goes along with it. So those Angry Birds stars that Bob has been racking up will be gone upon re-installation. Astro’s backup process (and nearly any other app backup app that doesn’t require a root) is essentially the locally stored analog of just redownloading/reinstalling the app from the Android Market, which the phone will do automatically anyway.
An app like Titanium Backup requires root access to be able to pull, store, and restore the app data that is often saved in a different directory of the Android OS that is separate from the.apk files and to which the user/third party apps do not have permission to access by default.
I hope that clears things up.
TIME Wednesdays @ 10am PT
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