An Ice Cream Sandwich can’t be rushed, who’s Apple suing this week, and free tablets, all that and more on Android Atlas Weekly.

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Ep. 60: Get Me An Ice Cream Sandwich Stat!
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Is Google rushing to unwrap Ice Cream Sandwich?
Apple sues Motorola over Xoom design, report says
Samsung, Nvidia announce dual-core Galaxy R
Tribune newspapers to offer Android tablets to subscribers
Motorola Droid Bionic to bring over 15 hours of battery life
Detailed FCC filing for Droid Bionic outs 4.3? display, world-phone GSM and more
Verizon, AT&T Putting Foot Down on Illegal Tethering
250 GB Android tablet announced, but do specs really matter?
Google’s App Inventor to be Shuttered, Released as
Is there an app that let’s you set your wallpaper to cycle daily through a user specified list? – Zachary
Wallpaper Changer:
Hey guys. I first found your show late last year, I love almost everything about it, and I always catch each episode. Hopefully, you’re open to some constructive criticism. I’ve been noticing that when you both start talking about phones coming out from specific carriers, you both spend a vast majority of your show time favoring (giving face time to…) Verizon. Not much T-Mobile phones/news here at all. Very little Sprint phones/news, or At&t news. We understand that you both have Verizon, but not everyone does, and it would be nice to hear more news from other carriers. I’m a T-Mobile customer, and as an Android “tech geek”, I love their choices of “stock/rootable/high end” phones.
All I’m trying to say is, it would be nice if you could balance out the “carrier news” out a bit more to Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile…………
Would love to hear back from ya !!!
Thanks for the great show!
Hey Guys love your show.
I have a rooted Evo 4g running mikfroyo. Do you have a preferred rom that you use? I have tried Valpak and Cyanogen I like the roms that are similar to HTC sense but I would like the flexibility of Cyanogen mod 7. What do you recommend? – Andre
Hey Android Atlas Crew,
I have just flashed CM7 on my HTC Evo. I am new to the world of ROMing, so I was wondering if there was a reason I am getting a ton of force closes (such as every time I go to the sound settings menu), notifications are less reliable, and the marketplace will not download anything.
Thanks for your help!
1. I want to thank you for suggesting Call Blocker in answer to my question on AndroidAtlas Ep 57. It does exactly what I need, and unlike Jamie, I am NOT associated with any programs/programmers.
2. In the “What’s wrong/right with you guys” department-:
In AA episode 59, at @ 16:50 Anton said a toddler accidentally tapping onto Porn(o)tube (since most toddlers can’t spell, that’d be pretty amazing that random tapping on a browser that would get them there, then I realize Anton must think that all parents had that site bookmarked on their tablet.
@ 20:23, Justin said there is a “vibrator” in the Android watch. I think the term is vibration motor.
I laughed so hard when I heard those two comments I nearly tripped and fell during my run.
3. Finally, can someone please fix the page–it still says Jason Howell is hosting the AA podcast, and there is no link directly to the podcasts-it goes to the Android Atlas page, and requires a lot of scrolling to get to the all important show notes. The search bar on does not work when I typed “Android Atlas show notes.”
Keep them coming.
TIME Wed 12pm PT
TWITTER @androidatlas
ANTUAN @antgoo
JUSTIN @notmyrealname