Android Atlas Weekly 50: The show where we eat crow (Podcast)

The wraps are pull off Google’s Wallet and Offers services, but should consumers be excited? The guys discuss the pros and cons Android rooting, locked bootloaders, and DRM, which triggers a friendly shouting match. As always there are plenty of upcoming and rumored phones on the horizon to drool over. And on this special 50th show, Antuan finally admits that he was wrong about something… a lot of things actually. All of that and more on this episode of Android Atlas Weekly.

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Ep.50: The show where we eat crow



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Google unveils mobile payments, coupon service

Sprint and Motorola holding a press event on June 9th

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Apple gadgets gobble 80 percent of mobile video

Mobile Video On Android? Maybe Not, If You’re Rooted

Study: Android Market sees lower top app turnover

HTC plans to review its locked bootloader policy

Droid X to see Gingerbread on May 27

Hang tight. DROID Bionic is coming and slated for summer release. Our team is working on some new updatess.!/Motorola/status/73799372000862208

Google Maps for Android gets updated with better check-ins, better transit info, and more

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E-mail ([email protected])

Hey Guys,
Just finished listening to your latest podcast, and picked up on the fact that Antuan isn’t happy with his Thunderbolt. I’d love to know why, because I was just about to steer my wife in the direction of buying one and don’t want to lead her towards a bad decision. I have an EVO and love it other than the fact that I’m still waiting for an OTA gingerbread update to be pushed out.

On a separate note, Antuan was mistaken when he said that you have to wipe the EVO’s data and cache to root. I’ve used Unrevoked a couple times to root, and it never instructed to do so, nor did I run into any issues. The wipe is generally required, however, when you want to flash a new ROM.

Thanks for your show!



I am a super big fan of cars, then and. phones. The thunderbolt will never be sold in toronto and i have read all the problems with it but it is a good phone. If you really want to sell it i need to know the operating frequency it uses, prob. rogers or fido, how much you want . Sent buy mail and you say its a gift and would not be more than 30 dollars ? Let me know, love the shows, Gerrald


I have been curious about the various things you can do with the android os since purchasing my epic 4g a couple of months ago. Recently i rooted my phone and i love the benefits. I have also been hearing about overclocking the cpu alot. Can you explain the benefits of this process?

K. Earley


Hi Guys,

I’m a regular listener from down under, Australia. Love the show.

Just wanted to point out a couple of things from this show. Firstly, it was implied that if you find a network with the same name and no security, your device would connect to it because it had the same name. (I think ‘linksys’ was the example used). That is surely not the case. The devices remember the networks with the mac addresses and not the names of the networks. Your device will connect to an open network irrespective of the name of the network. Though, you can set the phone up so it doesn’t join open networks automatically in the wifi settings.

The other point was the contention that rooting needs to wipe data. I have rooted about half a dozen devices and have never been asked or had to wipe the data. That is required of you want to load a custom rom. Rooting is simply getting SuperUser access to the OS. Apps like Visionary just ran like normal apps and would give you su status on reboot.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Keep up the good work!



Why does antwon (sp?) say occasionally in the show that there is an upcharge for verizonwireless 4g. To my knowledge it is the same price as their 3g coverage and is currently the same at $30 for unlimited…?



Hey guys, lovin’ the podcast here.

Keep rooting, keep romming and keep podcasting.
I have a g2 running cm7 nightlies.
I ride my scooter into work everyday and listen to music on the way in
over the stock headphones.
I’m wondering if ther’s an app that will, pause the music, read me any
sms or emails that come in (at least the subject and who its from),
and then unpause the music?
Looking forward to tomorrows podcast, thanks.” “Look again at Vlingo. The SafeReader function of the app does pretty much what you’re asking it to do.


email: [email protected]
follow the show: @androidatlas
follow Antuan: @antgoo
follow Justin: @notmyrealname
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