This week we get Android math lesson from Google, Apple and Microsoft, check out four tablets vying to be the iPad killer and get giddy for Angry Birds on Android. Join Justin Eckhouse and guest host Jasmine France for this week’s Android Atlas Weekly.

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Ep. 14: Which Android Tablet will be the iPad killer?
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News Stories
Google responds to Steve Jobs’ comments on activation numbers
Microsoft claims that Google’s Android is not free
First official look at T-Mobile’s G2
Samsung Epic 4G now available from Sprint
Samsung Galaxy Tab Android tablet goes official
Samsung Galaxy Tab specs versus the Apple iPad
Toshiba Folio 100 goes official, lands in Q4
Archos reveals five new Android tablets for fall
ViewSonic outs Android ViewPad 7
Angry Birds beta flying to Android Market this Friday
App of the week
Check your pulse with Instant Heart Rate
Notable App releases
Microsoft launches Bing search app for Android
Firefox Mobile comes to Android in ‘Fennec’
PapayaMobile launches Android App of the Day
Tip of the week
Its not so much a tip as something i just thought was cool. On the droid, 2.2 has added two new ways to navigate between screens in addition to swiping. The fist is by simply tapping the lower left or right corner of the screen. The second and i think cooler way is to ‘long press’ on the grid at the bottom of the screen, this will open up a row of icons representing each of your home screen (app icons and all), to navigate to a given home screen just tap it’s icon. This is more useful when navigating between two screens that aren’t adjacent.
“Hey guys,
I haven’t heard you mention the App Inventor for a few episodes, and I thought that I’d let you know that I got the e-mail a week or so ago informing me that I could now access the App Inventor. I am a software developer, but I wanted to see this building block thing and play around with it a bit. It is a neat concept and depending on what you want to do, the blocks system seems to be fairly robust. I haven’t had time to mess with it a lot, but if there’s anything you want me to check or see if it grants access to certain capabilities, just let me know and I’ll get you some screenshots / info. Thanks for the great show!
~ Robert Woodward
“Great show Jason and the rest of the android atlas gang. But i was wondering if you could help me out. I want to be able to watch your video podcast like i did in my ipod touch. I loved how i could download the podcast straight to the device and when i was watching it and needed to pause it, it would save the place i was at the next time i accessed it. Any help is appreciated.