It’s an Android-stravaganza in Orlando for CTIA 2011. CNET’s Justin Eckhouse reports on the newest tablets while his second in command, JT Tabencki fills in as co-host. Amazon’s app store is finally here and it’s sort of hard to get into. Plus, Antuan Goodwin shows off his newest phone the HTC Thunderbolt on this week’s edition of Android Atlas Weekly for March 24th 2011.

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Ep. 41: Thunder, thunder, Thunderbolt, HO!
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Android Bluetooth Issue
Hey guys,
First off didnt know if I should send this question to Android Atlas, Car Tech or Roadside Assistance so I sent it to all.
Im a 25yr old geek from Ottawa Canada and have recently bought a used 2004 Toyota Prius (BA trim). I bought this based on good mileage and the fact I have a baby on the way and it is a safe reliable car.
My problem is this, I have a (rooted) Xperia X10 and the car, lacks Bluetooth, but has a cassette player. I want to play music through the car stereo but also I use my phone for gps while driving and would also like to use an app like vlingo for handsfree text and calling. I am worried that if I am playing music through the cassette adaptor and receive a call or need to text that because the 3.5mm jack is in use my Mic wont work. Was also thinking of getting a hands free Bluetooth speaker phone or head set but do not want to unplug the adaptor everytime I get a call. Will the phone know to just switch to the Bluetooth and disable the jack so my call isnt being played through the stereo? Any help would be appreciated.
Love and listen to both car tech and android atlas all the time keep up the good work.
Also feel free to paraphrase my question on air as I realize its quite long.
Ottawa Ontario Canada
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