Take a 360

View from American Pharoah
The view from American Pharoah includes this other horse.
Video screenshot by Amanda Kooser/CNET

Most of us are simply physically too big to even think about becoming professional horse jockeys and riding a fleet-footed equine to Triple Crown glory. You don’t have to watch your weight or spend years in training to hitch a ride on American Pharoah, the latest winner of horse racing’s elusive trifecta of the Kentucky Derby, Preakness and Belmont Stakes. A new GoPro video lets you saddle up and go.

The video was taken on July 18 at Del Mar Race Track in California during a morning workout. It was recorded with a GoPro Hero4 camera and released on the GroPro YouTube channel Thursday.

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The video starts off with a view of the grandstands, moves to the stable area and then steps out onto the track itself. You can spin the view around to see other horses working out, flashes of American Pharoah’s tail and the tips of the horse’s bouncing ears in front.

If you want to access the full 360-degree swiveling-head features, you’ll need to use the Chrome browser or download the Kolor panoramic video app. The interactive footage is a fun way to show off the capabilities of the Hero4 combined with Kolor’s video-stitching services.

The jockey’s-eye view is exhilarating and the beat of the thoroughbred’s hooves is mesmerizing. It’s not quite the same as being in the middle of an actual race, but it does give you a sense of the buzz and excitement surrounding the horse. American Pharoah is scheduled to race again on August 2 at Monmouth Park in New Jersey.

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