Sony Xperia Tablet Z tipped to be waterproof, pack Jelly Bean

Smart phones get lonely sometimes — that’s why Sony is supposedly cooking up a 10.1-inch tablet companion to its latest Xperia Z mobile.

The so-called Xperia Tablet Z (whatever Sony’s naming department is being paid, it’s not enough) has leaked via Japanese Twitter account Xperia Info, which says the mythical device will come packing a 1.5GHz quad-core processor.

A waterproof frame is also tipped, making the dream of reading CNET in the bath on a luxuriously large screen a real possibility. The display is rumoured to pack a hearty 1,920×1,200 pixels, while the Tablet Z will apparently come in black and white.

As for software, the spill-all source says we can expect to see Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. That’s not the very latest version — I’d hope that any future Android gadgets would make the effort to arrive running Android 4.2, which packs in brilliant bonus features like Photo Sphere.

Little else is known, apart from a codename — ‘Pollux’ — so swallow this latest leak with a side order of salt. A new Sony tablet wouldn’t be that surprising though — the company has previously released the Tablet S and Xperia Tablet S (pictured above), neither of which were especially compelling compared with tablet marvels like the iPad or Nexus 7.

Sony’s not likely to give up on tablets however, so here’s hoping it can impress us with a third slate. One site is saying the Tablet Z is tipped to hit Japan ahead of the summer before heading to Europe, so we may not have long to wait. Let me know if you’d buy a waterproof tablet in the comments or on our Facebook wall.

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