Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1n: new look aims to overturn ban

Not one to take it lying down, Samsung has given its Galaxy Tab 10.1 a new look — a look it hopes is different enough to the iPad 2 to overturn the ban, which has been enforced in several countries due to legal squabbles over design similarities.

Named the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1n (the top device in this image), it has a redesigned metal band that Samsung is hoping will placate Apple’s lawyers, CNET News reports. But we’ll have to wait and see.

German site MobiFlip reported on the Tab 10.1n (under the fantastic headline: Galaxy Tab is back!). The main difference seems to be the metal band now bleeds into the front of the device, making it more prominent, and differentiating it from the iPad 2.

That’s it for looks — there’s no word on whether there are any spec/hardware changes.

Apple succeeded in having the Galaxy Tab 10.1 banned in Germany back in August — that was overturned, then upheld. The tablet was also banned in Australia, and the 7.7-inch version has also been yanked from the shelves in Germany. Apple claimed Samsung’s tablets and smart phones “slavishly copied” its iPad and iPhone.

Apple could still pursue the case if it feels the design isn’t different enough. With Jobs also wanting to wage thermonuclear war on Android, which the banned devices run, Samsung’s tablets and phones must’ve been Apple’s worst nightmare. Google recently announced it was buying Motorola to acquire its patents and mount a more effective defence against Cupertino’s claims.

The most recent development in the ongoing legal spat was that Samsung wanted to grill design supremo Jony Ive as well as other designers as part of the court case. The depositions have been delayed until 1 December due to all involved being rather busy.

Do you think the Tab 10.1n is different enough? Or is Apple barking up the wrong tree pursuing it? Ping us a comment, or let us know on our Facebook page or on Google+.

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