The next next version of Android is Key Lime Pie. After Ice Cream Sandwich, and after Jelly Bean, your Android phone or tablet will update to the taste of the Florida-born dessert.
The Verge reports the name, but details of the release date and version numbers are yet to emerge. At least it’s shorter than Ice Cream Sandwich. The number of times I have to type Ice Craem SAndwich every day you’d think I’d be able to get it right by now — yarbles, done it again!
A Key Lime Pie is made of lime juice, egg yolks and milk with a meringue topping. The name comes from limes found in the Florida Keys. Interestingly, the Key Lime Pie doesn’t require baking: the condensed milk and the acid in the lime juice react and cook the pie — leading to a theory that the pie was created by Florida fisherman who spent days on their boats without access to an oven.
Here’s our guide to every version of Android, from version 1.0 to the latest update, version 4.0. The tasty treaty names began with version 1.5, Cupcake, followed by Donut, Eclair, and Froyo. Version 2.3, Gingerbread, is currently the most widespread. Version 3.1, Honeycomb, was designed especially for tablets. The latest version, 4.0 or Ice Cream Sandwich, works on both tablets and phones.
The next version, Jelly Bean, is rumoured to be capable of running Windows 8 too. How mad is that? In more realistic news, TechCrunch reports it’ll have a Siri-like feature called Assistant.
If you’re wondering if it’s worth seeking out an upgrade, here’s our top 10 reasons why we think ICS is better than Gingerbread.
After frozen yoghurt and ice cream sandwiches, this is yet another dessert that isn’t really a thing in Britain — not to mention the American spelling of doughnuts. Why does Google snub us so? Here and now, on behalf of the Android fans of Britain, I’m starting a campaign for Android version 6.0 to be entitled: Kendal Mint Cake!
Back our campaign in the comments or on our Facebook page. For Britain, vote Kendal Mint Cake!