New iPad refunds offered in Aussie 4G furore

Apple is offering refunds to people who bought a new iPad because they mistakenly thought it would net them super-fast 4G Internet connection when they’re out and about.

The Australian consumer watchdog took Apple to court over the new iPad’s 4G billing, pointing out the small detail that it doesn’t in fact work with the Aussie 4G network. Apple has subequently offered refunds to cobbers and Sheilas who bought their new iPad expecting fair dinkum 4G.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission wasted no time taking Apple to court, where the fruit-flavoured tablet-fondler promised to email all new iPad buyers and explain the true 4G situation before offering a full refund.

The new iPad is packed with high-speed Internet access, including LTE, HSPA+ and DC-HSDPA. LTE is the technology behind the US and Australia’s 4G networks, but the iPad doesn’t work on the 1,800MHz frequency used by Australian phone network Telstra’s 4G setup. Here in the UK we don’t have an LTE network, so our speeds will depend on our HSPA+ and DC-HSDPA connections on each network.

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Apple’s new iPad


4G is a bone of contention all around the world, in part because the term has been devalued by overuse — and its application to technologies that aren’t technically 4G at all.

Back in Blighty us whinging poms are lagging behind as the phone companies squabble over the spectrum — leaving us stuck with shameful 3G too. Broken Britain, am I right?

Is all the fuss about 4G a storm in a teacup? Can we trust any network or device that promises 4G speeds? And is the new iPad bonzer enough to keep even without 4G, or should our Aussie mates throw theirs on the barbie? Tell me your thoughts in the comments or on our Facebook page.

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