iPad mini not a patch on Google Nexus 7, say CNET readers

The iPad mini is smaller than the iPad, and ready to do battle with the 7-inch Google Nexus 7 and Amazon Kindle Fire HD — but at £269, can it rival those cheaper tablets? We asked you what you think — and it seems you’re not impressed.

On our Facebook page, we posted a poll asking which you think is the better tablet. “I would have the iPad mini simply because of the wealth of apps for it,” says Valerie Beeby — but Valerie’s in the minority, as the Nexus 7 is the clear winner with more than three times as many votes as the new iPad mini.

“It’s got to be the Nexus 7,” says Russell Shevlane. “Sorry Apple: you will have to be a lot more innovative and cheaper to lure McGee away from Android!”

“The iPad mini is over-priced and the Kindle Fire too locked down,” says Mark Edwards. “Nexus is the winner, and this coming from someone who owns an iPad 3.”

Many CNET readers are unimpressed with Apple’s latest offering. “Where’s the retina display?” wails Graham Oliver. “768×1,024 is so last decade.” Trevor McElroy bemoans the price: “£100 more than it should be… no thanks.”

“So Apple have gone all guns blazing to annihilate the Nexus 7 by producing… something less powerful with an inferior screen at a much higher price?” mocks Tim Austin. “Methinks they missed the point of a ‘budget’ tablet.” Wethinks you may be right, Tim.

But not everyone thinks the Nexus 7 is the superior choice.

“The iPad is part of an ecosystem which has so many apps, peripherals and extras,” points out Paul Sheppard. “Yes there will always be cheaper versions but they do not have the same standard of stuff available for it as well as use. That doesn’t bother some which is fair enough but for me having played with them, the iPad wins hands down.”

Gareth Lewis says he “might give the iPad mini a try depending on reviews… I had a Nexus 7, and loved the size, but the build quality isn’t up to scratch. I sent three back… I don’t mind paying another £69, if I get a more solid product that doesn’t need to go back to the manufacturer multiple times.”

Ciarán O’Duibhéagain agrees that you get what you pay for — in the strongest terms: “There is a reason why all the Android tack is cheaper, because it’s rubbish. Rubbish build quality, rubbish operating system, rubbish support. If you don’t like it, I don’t care coz it’s true. You’re all losers. Apple forever!”

Finally John Stokes looks for some perspective, pointing out, “People buying budget will go for Nexus 7, people buying top will go iPad or Samsung Note. This iPad mini can’t compete against either, the only reason I could see to get it is if you desperately want an iPad but can’t stretch to the cost of an iPad.”

What do you think of the new iPad mini? Can it compete with the Nexus 7, Kindle Fire HD and the rest? Tell me your thoughts in the comments or on our Facebook page.

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