Got a busted gadget? We want to see it

Broken, but kind of artsy, no?
Lori Grunin/CNET

My CNET colleague Ben Rubin recently toured a Verizon lab where the company tosses phones around to see how much abuse they can take and still keep working. Remember the last time you dropped a smartphone or tablet

2 feet down onto the pavement? We’re betting it wasn’t part of a lab test, but we’d still like to see the results.

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Consumer electronics have, of course, faced hard knocks since the dawn of power buttons, but in these mobile times, it’s way easier to get a glimpse of spectacularly shattered devices. Got one in your gadget arsenal? Send us a photo by Tuesday, December 16, along with your name, location and a bit about the device and how it got injured. And be sure to tell us if it still works. We may use your image in an upcoming gallery, which — if the above photo is any indication — will likely be equal parts cringe-inducing and cool-looking.

Please send your photo or photos to crave at cnet dot com, with the subject line “broken device.” We’re sorry you have a busted gadget, but we look forward to seeing it and hearing how it got that way.

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