Get an HP Pocket Playlist for $19.99



Before you splurge on a new tablet or smartphone just so you can have more mobile storage, consider a cheaper option: an external media drive.

Like this one: For a limited time and while supplies last, Fry’s has the HP Pocket Playlist for $19.99, plus sales tax where applicable. If you’re lucky enough to have a Fry’s store near you, swing by for pickup; otherwise you’ll have to pay $5.99 for shipping.

Update: Sorry, folks, this is sold out. Not sure why some people had trouble getting the $5.99 shipping, but it’s a moot issue now.

That’s still a solid deal, especially considering that this 32GB media drive originally sold for $129.99.

I’ve written about gizmos like this before. This one — a shiny black obelisk barely the size of an old iPhone — is a bit different in that it offers a fixed amount of storage; you can’t plug in your memory cards or flash drives.

However, it’s wireless, meaning it can sling music, movies, and other media to up to five mobile devices (Android and/or iOS) simultaneously. All you have to do is fill it up with your stuff, which you can do via your PC, and if necessary, an included media-converter utility. (The added bonus is that you can then offload media from your device, freeing up space for other stuff.)

CNET hasn’t reviewed the Pocket Playlist, so I’ll refer you to PC Mag’s review. Verdict: 3.5 stars, but that was based on a $129.99 price tag, and to my thinking, some really weak “cons.” (You have to flip a switch to toggle between USB and Wi-Fi modes? The horror!)

I don’t know how long these will last; seems like every time I share a Fry’s deal, it’s gone in minutes. (Apologies in advance if that happens again.) However, they’ve offered this a few times before, so either they have tons of units or just got a new shipment. Either way, 20 bucks for an extra 32GB of mobile-device storage is pretty sweet, you ask me.



Bonus deal: The ZBoard is a ridiculously fun electric skateboard. I say this as a 46-year-old uncoordinated geek who never rode in his youth, but can now be seen zooming around his neighborhood grinning like an idiot. If you want to get in on the fun (and/or round out your Marty McFly Halloween costume), StackSocial has the ZBoard Hoverboard Edition for $700 — a price that includes a pair of future-McFly high-tops! (You can also choose the board only for $600.)

I know that’s crazy-expensive, but it’s also $150 off the usual price of this special-edition board. Save perhaps for the Phantom quad-copter — this is my favorite toy of the year.

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