Cyber Monday photo

A high-quality print of a favorite photo is an easy but still personal gift for family and friends.

If you’re going to print pictures yourself, you’ll want to get some high-quality paper. For Cyber Monday, Red River Paper has knocked 20 percent off of nine of its heavy-weight premium inkjet papers.

The Red River site has thorough descriptions for each, so you know what size, finish and weight is appropriate for your project. You can even search the site by printer and get recommendations that are best for your particular model.

If you don’t want to do the printing yourself, head over to SnapBox Prints. Everything — from framed art paper or canvas prints to peel-and-stick posters and printed pillows — is 40 percent off today.

The service is an offshoot of Jondo-USA, which specializes in fine art reproductions for galleries and publishers. The prints you’ll get from SnapBox use the same facilities and printing technologies that Jondo uses for its fine art prints.

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