Fitbit recently announced a charitable campaign called FitForGood, which will run from Nov. 9 to Nov. 20.
Users can connect their Fitbit account to the service and select from one of three different charities to contribute to: The American Diabetes Association, The American Heart Association or National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
At the end of the campaign, Fitbit will split a $1 million donation among the three noble causes based on the number of accumulated steps, with the winner receiving $500,000. Second and third place will receive $350,000 and $150,000, respectively.

Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/CNET
The campaign is already accepting signups, you just need to visit the FitForGood website to start the process. You’ll need to log into your Fitbit account and connect it to the campaign, as well as select the charity you’d like your steps to count toward.
If you’re already wearing a Fitbit, this is an easy way to use something you’re already doing — counting your steps — and contribute to a bigger cause.