128GB Retina iPad en route, sources and code

Apple may be beavering away on an iPad that boasts increased storage capacity, mysterious sources and iOS code clues suggest.

9to5Mac cites cryptic “sources” who say Apple is working on an additional model of its iPad with retina display, that comes in black and white and features an identical design to the current line-up.

The imminent gadget is tipped to be a “more premium” skew, which suggests a higher capacity option, as Apple’s gadgets quickly get much more expensive if you opt for the versions with more gigabytes.

A source within a “high profile U.S retailer” is credited for supplying an inventory table that describes the new iPad devices as being in the ‘ultimate’ range — 9to5Mac says that the 16, 32 and 64GB iPad options are normally referred to as ‘good’, ‘better’ and ‘best’ in Apple’s internal database.

As if that wasn’t enough, the brave chaps at iDownloadBlog report that they’ve been pulling Apple’s iOS 6.1 beta apart, and have found evidence within the code of 128GB devices — hinted at by operating system partition key sizes.

Evidence is mounting that Apple has a 128GB gadget stuffed up its shiny sleeves, but until we know more, take these rumours with a pinch or two of salt.

A high-capacity iPad would certainly be appreciated by those who frantically hoard movies, music and games, though in my experience 64GB is more than enough space for most tablet owners. Also bear in mind that with the 64GB retina-display iPad costing a whopping £560, a 128GB option would likely to cost upwards of £600.

Do you need more tablet storage, or does your smart phone or slate already boast adequate capacity? Let me know in the comments, or on our Facebook wall.

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