Tag Archives: yahoo

Larry Tesler, Apple employee who created cut

Computer scientist and user interface guru Larry Tesler, a key figure at Apple during its early years, died Monday at the age of 74, according to Apple Insider. Tesler pioneered the concept of “cut-copy-paste” during his time at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center in the 1970s. In the following two decades at Apple, he …

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Apple’s AirPods Pro, services deliver a record holiday for the iPhone maker

Apple on Tuesday reported an all-time record quarter for revenue and earnings — and it’s partly thanks to its newest AirPods and its services business.  The company credited its services and wearables lines, as well as its newest iPhones, for the performance. Both sales and earnings in the three months ended Dec. 28 were well above Wall Street forecasts. Apple …

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Yahoo’s forgotten site Groups will permanently remove content by year’s end

Yahoo Groups is slowly winding down functionality, the company said Wednesday. Users will no longer be able to upload content to the site starting Oct. 28. On Dec. 14, all content will be permanently removed. Anyone still using the platform has until then to save anything they’ve uploaded before it disappears. While Yahoo’s original post said the end date for …

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Yahoo data breach: How to file for $358 or more as part of claim settlement

If you had a Yahoo account any time between 2012 and 2016, you can now take part in a class action settlement to compensate you for losses. Over several years, hackers were able to gain access to Yahoo user accounts, and steal private emails, calendars and contacts in at least three separate attacks.  The breaches ranged in scope from two …

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Making the change from iPhone to Android as easy as possible

Is iOS starting to feel a bit stale for your taste? It’s something I’m hearing more and more as I talk to iOS users, or former iOS users. With some amazing Android phones hitting the market, it’s tough not to get caught checking out the competition — or even feeling a bit compelled to make the jump to Android. But …

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Google denies Trump’s accusations of voter manipulation

Google denied accusations made on Monday by President Donald Trump that the search giant “manipulated” millions of voters against him in the 2016 election. Google said Trump seemed to be referring to an old report claiming to prove that it generated at least 2.6 million votes for Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton, but said the report has been “debunked since it was made.” …

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Verizon reportedly shopping Tumblr around to potential buyers

Verizon Communications is looking for a buyer to take blogging website Tumblr off its hands as it looks to improve its media business’s bottom line, The Wall Street Journal reports.  The sales process, which the Journal warned might not result in a transaction, comes as Verizon struggles to make its transition from a wireless and broadband company into a media brand and …

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Apple is nixing iPhone parenting apps: Here’s why

Over the past year, Apple has restricted or removed a collection of third-party iOS apps that help parents manage a child’s iPhone ($899 at Amazon) and iPad ($170 at Amazon) usage. Apple said it has taken the step because the apps present a privacy and security risk. At least one of the affected developers claims Apple is being misleading about its …

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Verizon holds the most 5G

It’s that time of year in New York, when digital media companies put on “Newfronts,” splashy presentations for video advertisers. Usually, it’s a chance for services like Hulu and YouTube to impress marketers with their buzzy new shows and trot out their highest-wattage talent.  So for its Newfront, Verizon put its biggest star center stage: 5G. Verizon, which bought digital media …

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Google Inbox is dead. But you can use Spark and Spike apps instead

Google Inbox is dead. Long live Google Inbox! As of today, Google’s beloved email app Inbox is no more. Fans loved it because it took a different approach to managing email by breaking out messages into different categories instead of one long list, as Gmail does. It’s a downright shame that it’s gone. But before you gnash your teeth in …

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