Tag Archives: World's Longest Air Route From San Franciso To Bengaluru Indian

Indian Woman Pilot Covers World's Longest Route, Gets Place In Aviation Museum

[dzs_video source=”https://slike-v.akamaized.net/1x/5j/1x5j44e9gl/e1b2fc66_F10_1080p_3300.mp4″ cover=”https://im.indiatimes.in/content/2022/Aug/6_63072289b7bef.jpg” config=”skinauroradefault” width=”100%” height=”600″ logo=”https://joggingvideo.com/wp-content/uploads/tdn_pic_2.png” config=”skinauroradefault” autoplay=”off” cue=”on” loop=”off” type=”video” logo=”0000″ logo_link=”5555″ responsive_ratio=”default” adarray='{{openbrace}}{“source”:”1111″,”time”:”2222″,”type”:”3333″,”ad_link”:”4444″,”skip_delay”:”5″}{{closebrace}}’]For the first time in 2021, this all-female crew of India flew over the North Pole. It was led by senior Air India pilot Zoya Agarwal. She covered the world’s longest air route from San Franciso (SFO) in US to …

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