Tag Archives: t-mobile

Apple’s new file size limit lets you download 200MB apps without Wi

With Apple’s WWDC 2019 right around the corner, the company has made a change to its App Store that could make downloading apps a bit easier. But those on limited data plans should be wary. Apple’s cellular download limits for apps increased this week from 150MB to 200MB in the App Store. The change was spotted earlier by …

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Amazon wants to buy Boost Mobile from Sprint and T

Amazon is interested in snapping up the Boost Mobile prepaid wireless service if Sprint and T-Mobile decide to divest it to push through their $26.5 billion merger, a report says. The online retail giant wants Boost so it can use T-Mobile’s wireless network for the next six years as part of an attached wholesale deal, Reuters reported Thursday. “Amazon would …

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AT&T, Verizon and Sprint have all either launched or are about to launch their respective 5G networks. One carrier that has been quiet, however, is T-Mobile.  While the self-proclaimed “Un-carrier” has been quiet about its exact 5G launch plans, the first signs of the new network seem to have popped up in New York.  Milan Milanović, who works for Speedtest.net owner …

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5G chipmaker aims for China phone wins and an edge on Qualcomm

Qualcomm’s about to see more competition in the 5G chip market.  Taiwan-based MediaTek said late Tuesday it’s built its first processor that integrates the brains of a device on the same chip as 5G, 4G and other wireless connectivity, which should improve the battery life of devices. The company’s biggest customers will get samples in the third quarter of this …

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The busy week surrounding the T-Mobile-Sprint merger took another twist Friday.  After getting a thumbs-up from the FCC earlier this week, followed by a report that the Department of Justice staff were still against the merger, a new report suggests that the DOJ may still let the merger go through.  According to the New York Post, FCC chairman Ajit Pai …

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T-Mobile’s prospects for its merger with Sprint are changing by the day, but that hasn’t stopped the nation’s third-largest carrier from continuing to go after rivals.  Its latest move: matching the discounts — though not the plans — offered by AT&T, Verizon and Sprint.  If you have  a 15% corporate discount for your AT&T plan, for example, T-Mobile will match the discount …

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Report says DOJ may try to block T

The US Department of Justice might want to put the kibosh on T-Mobile’s merger with Sprint. Staff in the agency’s antitrust division have recommended that the DOJ sue to block the $26 billion acquisition, according to a report Wednesday from Reuters, citing two unnamed sources. The agency declined to comment, but this isn’t the first report to suggest it could …

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Galaxy S10 5G’s insane Verizon data speeds are only the first step to real 5G

Verizon and Samsung are both restless to get the 5G data speeds that signify a world of ludicrously fast downloads, real-time sports streaming from every angle and pin-sharp online games off the ground. Last week’s test of the Galaxy S10 5G in Chicago planted that flag for both of them, one that wavered precariously when I first tested Verizon’s then-day-old 5G network — an experience that left …

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The long-planned merger between T-Mobile and Sprint has overcome a major hurdle as the companies made concessions to ease a key regulator’s concerns about whether the deal would benefit consumers. The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Ajit Pai, signaled the shift early Monday. Pai said in a statement that he will recommend to his colleagues that the FCC approve the proposed …

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Despite ban, you can still buy Huawei phones in the US. Here’s how

Owning a Huawei phone in the US became a lot less appealing over the weekend when it was revealed that Google will stop providing Huawei support for its Android phones. The decision wasn’t Google’s, but instead the company is complying with an executive order recently signed by President Donald Trump.  The Chinese company currently holds the second spot in global smartphone marketshare, but without …

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