Tag Archives: steve-jobs

Google says ‘Android Wear is not a hobby’

Now playing: Watch this: Google is committed to Android Wear, says VP 1:16 Even if you buy into Tim Cook‘s pitch that he can’t make enough Apple watches to keep up with demand, the tech industry hasn’t had much luck popularizing smartwatches. But Google‘s not giving up. After a months-long delay, Google on Wednesday released …

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Peter Dinklage takes you on tech’s not

“Rememory,” a new movie about what our minds forget, tries to teach a tech lesson that its makers hope you’ll remember. The film, a sci-fi crime drama about a groundbreaking device that records unfiltered memories, spins a cautionary tale of how even well-intentioned technology can, well, ruin lives. Premiering Wednesday at the Sundance Film Festival, it stars Peter Dinklage, best …

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iPhone’s 10th anniversary calls up social media’s nostalgia

As Apple’s iPhone turns 10, Facebook and Twitter users are reminiscing about its effect on the tech industry and their ow lives over the past decade. People on social media are also chatting about the Golden Globe Awards, including a certain president-elect who was not happy with Meryl Streep’s speech. Social Cues is our look at what’s trending across Facebook …

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Apple’s iPhone turns 10. Where does it go from here?

Happy birthday, iPhone. You’re 10 years old! What do you want to be when you grow up? When Steve Jobs unveiled the first iPhone 10 years ago today, he touted Apple’s ability to combine three products — “a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod with touch controls, and a breakthrough internet communications device with desktop-class email, web browsing, searching and …

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Watch Steve Jobs introduce the original iPhone 15 years ago

“Every once in a while a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything.” With those words Apple CEO Steve Jobs began his keynote address at Macworld San Francisco on January 9, 2007. In typical Jobs fashion, he went on to say that Apple was introducing “three revolutionary products” that day. The first was a widescreen iPod with touch controls, the …

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Michael Fassbender: VR will change the whole medium of film

Michael Fassbender is stoked about virtual reality. That’s no surprise, given that he stars in “Assassin’s Creed,” a film about reliving the memories of your parkour-loving ancestor through a machine called the Animus. It’s like VR, but taken to an insane nth degree. (The filmmakers also worked on an Assassin’s Creed virtual reality experience.) Aguilar (Michael Fassbender) lets his sword …

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AT&T Vice Chairman Ralph de la Vega to retire December 31

AT&T Vice Chairman Ralph de la Vega, who had a key role in bringing the iPhone to market, will retire at the end of the year. Thaddeus Arroyo, 53, the CEO of AT&T Mexico, will take on 65-year-old de la Vega’s responsibilities as the head of international and business operations, according to a person familiar with the situation. AT&T confirmed …

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Apple marks World AIDS Day with boost for Bono charity

Call it Apple hearts U2, part two. The gadget giant is expanding its partnership with Red, an HIV/AIDS advocacy organization founded by U2 singer Bono. “Of course corporations should have values, because people should have values,” CEO Tim Cook said in an interview with USA Today. “And corporations are just a bunch of people.” Starting Wednesday, a day ahead of …

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Retina vs. non

Now playing: Watch this: Apple debuts MacBook Pro 2:05 If you’re planning to trade in your old MacBook Air or slot-loading MacBook Pro for a shiny new Apple computer, you’re going to see a major difference as soon as you open the lid. All of Apple’s latest machines come with a “Retina Display.” Exclusive interview Does the Mac still matter? …

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Bring back the badass black MacBook

We’re getting new Macs tomorrow. And boy, are they late. It’s been 526 days since Apple released the last MacBook Pro. 597 days since the last MacBook Air. The Mac Mini hasn’t been refreshed for over two years. You could point to any number of reasons as to why. Supply. Demand. Components that aren’t that much more powerful than they …

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