Tag Archives: steve-jobs

Apple’s Tim Cook: ‘News was kind of going a little crazy’

Apple’s always believed in curation — and that’s even true when it comes to news, Apple CEO Tim Cook said Monday.  Earlier in the day, Apple unveiled a 2018 midterm elections section in its News app, promising US readers curated content through November. It will offer coverage from Fox News, Vox and other selected outlets, …

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iPhone features you can’t live without

I am sitting in the audience at the Castro Theater for the San Francisco International Film Festival. The film Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far On Foot just finished and Gus Van Sant and Danny Elfman, the film’s director and composer, respectively, take the stage for an interview. I panic. “Is my iPhone on? Or is it off? I’m pretty …

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Apple throws a lifeline to a parent drowning in digital screen time

This story is part of WWDC 2022, CNET’s complete coverage from and about Apple’s annual developers conference. When my 4-year-old daughter told me she couldn’t get into bed without her “phone,” I knew it was time to rethink my own phone habits. Of course, she doesn’t have a real phone. It’s a plastic pink phone that came in a purple …

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Apple: Honor Steve Jobs and make FaceTime open source

This story is part of WWDC 2022, CNET’s complete coverage from and about Apple’s annual developers conference. I hate Skype. And though I’ve had better luck with Google Hangouts, I mostly hate it too. In 2018, it’s still a big freaking chore to meet people face-to-face over the internet, particularly for business meetings — even if your company uses something …

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How Apple sees iOS apps bringing new life to Macs

This story is part of WWDC 2022, CNET’s complete coverage from and about Apple’s annual developers conference. Four new Apple apps coming to MacOS Mojave later this year began their lives as iOS apps. And if Apple gets its way, that could be the beginning of a deluge of new software rejuvenating its personal computers. At the company’s Worldwide Developers …

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Apple’s WWDC 2018 highlights little things adding up, especially in iOS 12

This story is part of WWDC 2022, CNET’s complete coverage from and about Apple’s annual developers conference. If you were looking to Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference for big game-changing leaps or new hardware, you might have walked away a little disappointed. Monday’s keynote, it turns out, was about the little things.  That’s not to say the changes were insignificant. Indeed, …

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It’s a billion-dollar question: Should we care that there’s a GH59-09418A printed circuit board inside a Samsung smartphone? At US District Court in San Jose, California, the heart of Silicon Valley, Apple and Samsung are trying to persuade a jury to see smartphones in very different ways. An earlier trial in the seven-year case already determined that Samsung infringed three …

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Apple’s Tim Cook celebrates the iMac’s 20th anniversary

Apple’s iMac computer was unveiled in 1998, and Sunday marks its 20th anniversary. CEO Tim Cook celebrated the milestone for the company’s all-in-one computer with a tweet commemorating the occasion. 20 years ago today, Steve introduced the world to iMac. It set Apple on a new course and forever changed the way people look at computers. pic.twitter.com/GbKno7YBHl — Tim Cook …

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iPhone X old news? What that means for new 2018 iPhones

Apple will share its second quarter earnings — that’s January through March 2018 — on May 1, but tough times for the iPhone X are already predicted. What will become of the iPhone X? Sarah Tew/CNET Late 2017 was supposed to be the iPhone “supercycle,” with Apple enjoying bumper sales from its latest iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus alongside the dramatically redesigned iPhone …

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The iPhone X Plus could copy the Galaxy Note with an ‘iPen’

“Who wants a stylus?” Steve Jobs famously asked when he unveiled the original iPhone in 2007, implying that the answer was “no one.” Now, 11 years later, analysts believe that a new iPhone may work with a stylus anyway. The prediction comes from analysts at investment firm Rosenblatt Securities (via AppleInsider), who believe that a premium 2018 6.5-inch OLED iPhone …

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