Tag Archives: robots

3D Robotics Solo quadcopter drone may be the ultimate GoPro accessory

There are drones you can attach a GoPro to. And then there’s the 3D Robotics Solo. The Solo, its controller and optional Solo Gimbal — a motorized three-axis camera stabilizer — are the culmination of a couple of years of work and a partnership with GoPro. A partnership that has resulted in a drone with …

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Festo unleashes new robotic swarm of ants and butterflies

Festo The family of animal robots created by German robotics company Festo is growing. As part of its Bionic Learning Network, the company has introduced two new robots: a swarm of ants that can operate cooperatively, and a butterfly robot that leverages the insect’s lightness. The ant robots — called BionicANTS — are not just inspired by the insect’s physical …

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Get the weather from a sarcastic robot with Carrot Weather

Matt Elliott/CNET The Carrot app people have returned with their ridiculous talking robot with Carrot Weather, joining previous efforts that include Carrot Alarm, Carrot Fit and Carrot To-Do. The robot voice in Carrot Weather will greet you with its favorite term of affection, meatbag, while delivering an accurate if snarky forecast. With more than 2,000 lines of dialogue and more …

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Robot vacuum cleaner snacks on woman’s hair

Technically Incorrect offers a slightly twisted take on the tech that’s taken over our lives. Paramedics attempt to get the woman away from her hungry robot. Sky World News/YouTube screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET We really do let our robot creations loose at our own peril. These things have minds of their own, and those minds may not be the brightest. …

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Turn drinking straws into crazy dancing robots with Quirkbot

Quirkbot can do some pretty awesome things, like letting you control a game of Pac-Man using bananas. Quirkbot Hey kids, straws aren’t just for drinking apple juice anymore. A new Kickstarter campaign for a device called Quirkbot will help you turn those old straws into a fully functional robot. Launched by Kids Hack Day, Quirkbot itself is a programmable microcontroller …

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Rosie or Jarvis: The future of the smart home is still in the air

Nest, co-founded by Matt Rogers, is one of the companies trying to create an intelligent room. James Martin/CNET LAS VEGAS — The tech industry once again can’t decide: When it comes to the home of the future, will it have a centralized computer telling you when to mop floors, clean windows and cook breakfast, or will there be an all-in-one …

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Turtle robot draws Nazca line

Beachbot Visit the beach, and you’ll usually see visitors constructing architecture made of sand, either elaborate or simple (my personal favourite was coiling dragons with seashell scales). But some artists — such as Tony Plant and Andres Amador — use the sand as a vast canvas for giant, transient works scraped with a rake, disappearing when the tide washes the …

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Crave giveaway: Darkside Ollie app

Darkside Ollie has turbo tires for making its way around rougher terrain. Sphero Editor’s note: this contest closed at noon ET on Monday, January 12. Congratulations to Robert V. of Carlsbad, N.M., for winning a Tokyo Flash Kisai Vortex wristwatch in last week’s giveaway, and to Brian K. of Romulus, Mich., for winning a Blast Motion Blast ActionCam the week …

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Robot butterflies made from recycled phones are slightly terrifying

I, for one, welcome our new butterfly overlords. O2 A series of robot butterflies have been constructed from bits of old mobile phones, in a bid to promote recycling — and to remind puny humans never to build a race of deadly mechanical insects. Robot butterflies are built from bits of old phones (pictures) +6 more See all photos The …

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