Tag Archives: privacy

Data privacy big on Apple’s agenda as it touts Schoolwork app

Apple introduced a new way for teachers to hand out assignments and monitor student progress through an app called Schoolwork at its education event in Chicago on Tuesday. The Schoolwork app stores student data in the cloud, but the company really wants you to know that keeping this data safe from prying eyes is its …

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Facebook’s app cleanup may be harder than Mark Zuckerberg thinks

Just how difficult is it going to be for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to clean up the world’s largest social network and make sure apps aren’t there waiting to potentially exploit your data? Maybe even harder than he thinks, given what we found after just a quick check of some of the apps linked to our own profiles. Those include …

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CLOUD Act gives investigators more access to online data stored overseas

The federal spending bill signed by US President Donald Trump on Friday does more than fund the budget. It also makes it easier for law enforcement agencies to demand access to online information no matter what country the data is stored in. Lawmakers added the CLOUD Act (PDF), which stands for Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act, to the …

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Sonos temporarily halts advertising on Facebook, Google

Calling it a small gesture, Sonos has announced that in response to the recent revelations about how Cambridge Analytica was allowed to exploit millions of Facebook users’ data, it’s suspending all of its digital advertising on Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube and Twitter for a week.  The smart speaker company will also “go dark” on its Facebook and Instagram social accounts …

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Facebook friends can still share your data, post

How many clicks does it take to keep your Facebook data private? That was the question I set out to answer when I created a Facebook account on Wednesday. Specifically, I wanted to discover what it takes to stop my Facebook friends from sharing data from my account (created under the alias Lauren Mapala, because I’d make a terrible spy).  …

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Facebook: Threatening journalists over Cambridge Analytica was ‘not our wisest move’

Facebook’s threat to sue Guardian journalists to keep a privacy exposé about Cambridge Analytica buried was “not our wisest move,” the social network’s point person to the news industry says. “If it were me I would have probably not threatened to sue The Guardian,” Campbell Brown, head of news partnerships at Facebook, said Thursday at the FT Future of News conference. …

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EU launches investigation into Facebook and Cambridge Analytica

Millions of US voters had their Facebook data exploited by consultants working for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, according to news reports this weekend. But the fallout from the revelations extends far and wide beyond US borders. The EU will investigate whether the privacy rights of European citizens have been violated by social media companies that may have shared their data …

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Ghostery browser extension for web privacy goes open source

Ghostery, a browser extension that blocks advertisers and web publishers from tracking your online behavior, has opened up its code so anyone with some programming chops can see exactly what’s going on. Making Ghostery open-source software — a program anyone can copy, modify and distribute — means it’s now possible for interested outsiders to get involved in its development, said …

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How to stop MoviePass from tracking your location

Being able to see a movie every day for just $9.95 per month seems too good to be true. Depending on how much you value your privacy, maybe it is. MoviePass built a business model on selling the data of its users to make going to the movies affordable again. What MoviePass wasn’t so upfront about, however, is how it …

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Huawei Matebook X Pro laptop at MWC 2018 (hands

If last year’s Matebook X laptop was comparable to the Apple Macbook, the new Huawei Matebook X Pro is suitable competition for the Macbook Pro. Debuting at MWC 2018,  the laptop is similarly slim and sleek with an all aluminum body. This new version is bigger than the Matebook X thanks to the extra selection of ports it offers. It …

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