Tag Archives: net-neutrality

House Dems lay into FCC chair over false cyberattack claims

Democrats on Capitol Hill are demanding answers from Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai after it was revealed his agency falsely claimed it had been the victim of a cyberattack last year. Last week, the FCC’s Office of Inspector General concluded the agency wasn’t the victim of a distributed denial of service, or DDoS, attack …

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FCC’s net neutrality DDoS attack didn’t happen. Here’s what you need to know

Net neutrality may be dead, but questions remain about how seriously the Federal Communications Commission considered comments from the public. The FCC’s system for submitting those comments was a hot mess. Two million of the 22 million comments submitted used stolen identities, some for people who were dead, including actress Patty Duke, who died in 2016. Nearly 8 million comments …

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Is the Trump administration’s re

The Federal Communications Commission has already repealed net neutrality, but the Trump administration can’t leave it there. It also wants the US Supreme Court to remove a ruling that upheld the controversial Obama-era rules. The petition, filed last week by Department of Justice lawyers, asked the Supreme Court to remand the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit’s 2016 …

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Ajit Pai blames Obama administration for FCC DDoS attack that didn’t happen

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said Monday that a high-profile outage of the agency’s website last year wasn’t caused by DDoS attacks as previously suggested, though he didn’t offer an alternative explanation for the crash. On May 7, 2017, the FCC’s comment system crashed after Last Week Tonight host John Oliver encouraged his audience to post comments to the agency in support of net neutrality.  FCC officials initially …

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Massachusetts proposes net neutrality law to call out bad ISPs

Massachusetts plans to protect net neutrality by naming and shaming internet service providers that don’t adhere to open internet principles. Lawmakers in the state Senate have proposed a bill (S2160) that would create an “internet service provider registry” to track whether broadband and wireless providers adhere to policies that keep the internet open and neutral. That includes ensuring that content …

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House Republican sides with Democrats to save net neutrality

Rep. Mike Coffman from Colorado has become the first Republican in the House to join Democrats in the effort to save the Obama-era 2015 net neutrality rules. On Tuesday, Coffman told the website Politico that he plans to support the Congressional Review Act resolution drafted by Democrats, which aims to save rules the Republican-led Federal Communications Commission rolled back in …

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Netflix CEO: ‘Net neutrality advocates have won the day’

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings played down the rollback of net neutrality regulations in the US.  “Around the world net neutrality has won as a consumer expectation,” Hastings said Monday during a video discussion of Netflix’s second-quarter financial performance. “Broadly around the world consumers have the expectation and ISPs are delivering it,” he added, referring to Internet service providers.  “The net neutrality advocates …

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India’s Department of Telecommunications reportedly approved net neutrality rules on Wednesday, which require that all users must have equal access to legal online content at the same price and speed. The laws prohibit blocking, degrading, slowing down or giving preferential treatment to users, The Times of India reported.  India has long pushed for net neutrality laws, which follow the principle that all traffic …

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California lawmakers reach deal on net neutrality bill

Leading California lawmakers said Thursday they have reached an agreement on legislation that will create super-strong net neutrality protections after the Federal Communications Commission voted to repeal its own regulations. The deal comes after bitter debate among Democrats over how much muscle to put into the legislation, heralded as one of the nation’s most aggressive efforts to revive Obama-era net …

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Feds arrest man who threatened FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and his family

A California man was arrested on Friday for allegedly threatening to kill the family of Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai, according to a statement from the US Department of Justice. Markara Man, 33, of Norwalk, Calif., sent three emails to Pai in December, the Justice Department said. The first email accused Pai of being responsible for a child who allegedly …

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