Tag Archives: net-neutrality

Tech companies, celebs to rally for net neutrality ahead of congressional deadline

On Thursday, activists and tech companies will hold a final internet-wide day of action to help preserve net neutrality. Dec. 10 is the deadline for Congress to vote on the Congressional Review Act (CRA), which has the potential to reverse the FCC’s repeal and preserve net neutrality.  Now playing: Watch this: California takes a big stand on …

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Are you getting the broadband speeds you’re paying for?

The US Federal Communications Commission will once again tell consumers if they’re actually getting the broadband speeds touted by internet service providers.  But you’ll have to wait a little longer for the nitty-gritty details of which carriers are making good on their advertised promises and which aren’t. The FCC, which hasn’t released its Measuring Broadband America Report since 2016, has …

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AT&T CEO calls for privacy, net neutrality laws

Washington may not “agree on the freezing point of water,” as AT&T’s CEO put it, but it should pass legislation to protect consumer privacy and net neutrality.  Randall Stephenson, speaking Monday at the Wall Street Journal D.Live conference in Laguna Beach, California, called for Congress to figure out a way to protect consumers. “I’d love to see legislation, not regulation,” …

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Supreme Court declines to hear appeal of Obama

The US Supreme Court has declined to hear an appeal related to Obama-era net neutrality regulations that could have gutted the authority of the Federal Communications Commission. On Monday, the high court rejected an appeal that challenged a 2016 decision by the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, which upheld the rules to protect an open internet and validated the FCC’s …

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Net neutrality faces its own election challenge in heated midterms

High-school senior Evan Scully has one main issue he’s focused on this political season: bringing back net neutrality protections. The 17-year-old political activist from rural North Carolina has been working on social media campaigns to organize online protests, as well as getting people to contact their congressional representatives to voice concern about the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of the open …

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California agrees to not enforce net neutrality law…for now.

California has agreed to not enforce its net neutrality law until a lawsuit challenging the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of the federal regulations is resolved. The agreement is part of a temporary deal struck with the US Justice Department, which is suing the state over its new law. The deal still has to be approved by a judge.  California’s law …

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FCC leaders say we need a ‘national mission’ to fix rural broadband

This is part of CNET’s “Crossing the Broadband Divide” series exploring the challenges of getting internet access to everyone.  Democrats and Republicans in Washington can’t agree on much of anything these days. One thing they do agree on: The digital divide undercutting rural America needs to be fixed. But figuring out the details of achieving this goal is where the …

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Pai claims report findings validate net neutrality repeal

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said a new report from an industry trade group shows his policy to repeal Obama-era net neutrality regulations is working to spur investment in broadband. But net neutrality activists beg to differ. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai says a new report showing an increase in broadband investment between 2016 and 2017 justifies his agency’s repeal of popular …

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New York questions industry and advocacy groups over fake net neutrality comments

New York has expanded its investigation into fake public comments filed with the Federal Communications Commission last year on the agency’s proposal to roll back net neutrality rules.  The probe underway by the New York Attorney General’s Office is now scrutinizing telecom trade groups and DC-based advocacy organizations that were both for and against the FCC’s plan.  Barbara Underwood, who …

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FCC makes its case for net neutrality repeal

The Federal Communications Commission defended its rollback of Obama era net neutrality protections on Thursday, filing a legal brief with a federal appeals court that argues the agency has the right to change its mind. The Republican-led FCC said it was within its legal right to roll back the 2015 rules, citing a Supreme Court decision from a decade earlier …

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