Tag Archives: net-neutrality

Net Fix: 8 burning questions about Net neutrality

Protesters lined up outside the FCC headquarters in May in reaction to Chairman Tom Wheeler’s initial Net neutrality proposal. Getty Images Depending on whom you listen to, the Federal Communications Commission is either about to save the Internet or destroy it. The agency, led by Democrat Tom Wheeler, who was appointed as FCC chairman by …

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Republicans attempt to push back FCC’s Net neutrality vote

Republicans on the Federal Communications Commission are asking to delay the much-anticipated vote on the reinstated Net neutrality rules to give the public more time to debate the issue. The FCC commissioners (left to right): Ajit Pai, Mignon Clyburn, Tom Wheeler (chairman), Jessica Rosenworcel, and Michael O’Rielly. FCC In what appears to be a last-ditch effort to try to derail …

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Republican FCC commissioners: Net neutrality plan misleads the American people

Republicans aren’t happy with the Federal Communications Commission’s plan to regulate the Internet like telephone service, and they’re going out of their way to make sure people know it. The FCC commissioners (left to right): Ajit Pai, Mignon Clyburn, Tom Wheeler (chairman), Jessica Rosenworcel, and Michael O’Rielly. FCC The latest broadside comes from within the FCC itself, with Republican commissioner …

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FCC and Net neutrality: What you really need to know

It’s either the heavy hand of government getting in the way of business, or the dawn of a new era of free-flowing information, videos and everything else. Welcome to the latest, and most significant, episode in the adventures of Net neutrality. Sure, those two words make for arguably one of the dullest phrases ever created, but I have two more …

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FCC’s Net neutrality plan puts wireless carriers on edge

For once, Tom Wheeler is leaving wireless carriers wanting more. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is putting on the wireless carriers on alert. Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images In an op-ed piece published on Wired.com Wednesday, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission laid out his proposal to treat both wired and wireless data services as public utilities under Title II of the …

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What is Net neutrality? Godzilla helps explain

Net neutrality is a boring name for an important issue that could forever change the future of the Internet. So here’s a video that teaches you about Net neutrality the easy way — with toys! This story is part of a CNET special report looking at the challenges of Net neutrality, and what rules — if any — are needed …

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FCC strikes in Net neutrality war: Run Internet like a utility

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler is ready to shake up the Internet. Tom Wheeler, chairman of the FCC, wants to reclassify broadband as a utility in order to protect the open Internet. CNET/Marguerite Reardon Wheeler confirmed Wednesday that he intends to regulate wired and wireless broadband services under the Title II of the Communications Act of 1934, subjecting them …

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Net neutrality laws get backing of Web founder Berners

Tim Berners-Lee at MIT. Martin LaMonica/CNET The man who invented the World Wide Web believes that Net neutrality laws are critical for the future of the Internet. In a guest blog post written for the European Commission’s website, Berners-Lee discussed threats to “the openness that underpins the Web and the broader Internet.” He aimed his comments at Europe, but they …

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Net Fix: Why FCC’s Wheeler is ‘defying the greatest lobbyists in the world’

This story is part of a CNET special report looking at the challenges of Net neutrality, and what rules — if any — are needed to fuel innovation and protect US consumers. Tom Wheeler has made a career out of surprising people. The 68-year-old chairman of the Federal Communications Commission is commonly called out as a former top lobbyist for …

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Sorry, your broadband Internet technically isn’t broadband anymore

The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday rewrote the definition of high-speed Internet, and chances are, your connection isn’t up to snuff. The FCC commissioners voted 3 to 2 in support of the change. They are (left to right): Ajit Pai, Mignon Clyburn, Tom Wheeler (chairman), Jessica Rosenworcel, and Michael O’Rielly. FCC The FCC, tasked with overseeing the rules that govern …

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