Tag Archives: net-neutrality

To save net neutrality, Mozilla and others file appeal

The fight to reinstate net neutrality protections continued Friday, as Mozilla and others asked the full DC Circuit Court of Appeals to rehear their case challenging the Federal Communications Commission’s 2017 repeal of the rules. Mozilla and Public Knowledge, one of the public interest groups that intervened in the lawsuit, say they’re seeking the rehearing …

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FCC Chairman Ajit Pai argues a patchwork of state regs is bad for business

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai worries a patchwork of local and state regulations on internet technologies could hurt the  competitiveness of the US in the tech sector.  Speaking at the WSJ Tech Live conference in Laguna Beach, California, on Monday, Pai made the case for harmonizing regulation among federal and state and local governments. He said that entrepreneurs and innovators not …

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VPNs may be your best weapon against internet throttling

In October, a federal court kicked the question of net neutrality protections back to individual states when it upheld the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to deregulate internet service providers. This leaves it up to each state to pass laws protecting consumers from broadband companies, which could block or slow your access, or charge you for faster access. It’s too early …

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Trump calls net neutrality court decision a ‘great win’

President Donald Trump congratulated Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai in a tweet Monday citing last week’s federal court decision to uphold the agency’s net neutrality repeal. That repeal eliminated rules preventing broadband providers from blocking or slowing down access to websites or charging companies extra to deliver content faster.  Trump called the appeals court ruling a big win for the …

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Net neutrality battle moves to the states

New battle lines in the fight to save Obama-era net neutrality rules have been drawn after a federal court ruled states could pass their own laws protecting consumers from broadband companies, who may block or slow access to the internet or charge for faster access.  On Tuesday, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia upheld the Federal …

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Net neutrality court ruling: States can set own rules

A federal appeals court on Tuesday issued a mixed ruling on the Federal Communications Commission repeal of Obama-era net neutrality rules. The court upheld the FCC’s repeal of the rules, but struck down a key provision that blocked states from passing their own net neutrality protections. The DC Circuit Court of Appeals also remanded another piece of the order back …

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Net neutrality decision has both sides declaring a win

A much-anticipated federal appellate court decision on net neutrality gave both sides of the debate a chance to claim victory. In a nearly 200-page opinion issued Tuesday, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals upheld most of the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of Obama-era rules on internet traffic. The court agreed that the agency hadn’t overreached its authority when it deregulated …

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Advocates push 2020 candidates on promises to reinstate net neutrality

Net neutrality proponents say it’s not just enough for 2020 Democratic presidential candidates to say they are in favor of restoring Obama-era open internet rules. They want them to sign a pledge, which includes forgoing campaign contributions from the broadband industry and its lobbyists. Roughly 20 groups joined forces in launching a site Monday where they ask the presidential hopefuls …

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Warren promises $85 billion program for rural broadband

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has promised $85 million in federal funding to make sure rural Americans get broadband. And she wants to override states that try to prevent local municipalities from building their own broadband networks.  Warren, a senator from Massachusetts, unveiled her plan Wednesday ahead of a road trip across Iowa. The broadband initiative is part of a …

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Democrats’ net neutrality bill passes House

House Democrats have passed a bill that would restore Obama-era net neutrality protections. But the victory is likely to be short-lived as Republicans on Capitol Hill vow to kill it in the Senate. Democrats pushed through their Save the Internet Act in a 232 to 190 vote Wednesday. In spite of many Republicans saying they too want to see legislation …

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