Tag Archives: net-neutrality

Al Franken: Courts may decide fate of net neutrality

Sen. Al Franken wants to make sure that deep-pocketed broadband companies can’t hijack the internet. That’s the message the Minnesota Democrat has been delivering in a series of videos, tweets and Facebook posts in support of the FCC’s 2015 net neutrality rules. Franken, along with several other Democrats in the Senate, have been turning up …

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Amazon, Google join ‘Day of Action’ to defend net neutrality

Your internet experience may look a little different today. That’s because Netflix, OkCupid, Airbnb, Reddit and dozens of other popular websites are greeting visitors on Wednesday with messages urging them to protect the free and open internet. It’s all part of a massive campaign called the “Day of Action,” an online protest that’s meant to stir up grassroots support for …

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AT&T joins online protest to protect net neutrality

AT&T says it supports net neutrality and to prove it, it plans to join the massive online protest Wednesday to show support for rules under fire by the Trump administration. Yes, that’s right. The nation’s second-largest phone company, which unsuccessfully sued the Federal Communications Commission in federal court to dismantle the 2015 rules, is joining 70,000 online companies, advocacy groups …

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Facebook and Google to join net neutrality protest

Facebook and Google are throwing their weight behind preserving the Federal Communications Commission’s controversial net neutrality rules. The two internet giants confirmed Friday that they plan to participate in a mass online demonstration to defend the rules as the Republican-led FCC considers gutting the protections, according to spokespeople for the companies. Dozens of companies and activist groups, including Amazon, Netflix, …

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Netflix renews support for net neutrality, will join protest

Netflix on Thursday made a show of support for net neutrality in the ongoing debate over internet traffic regulation.   “Netflix will never outgrow the fight for #NetNeutrality,” the company said on Twitter. “Everyone deserves an open Internet.” Net neutrality is the idea that internet traffic is treated equally and internet service providers can’t prioritize some traffic over others. Netflix …

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Amazon, Etsy and other protest net neutrality rollback

Tech companies including Amazon, Etsy, Vimeo, and Reddit are coming together for a day of action July 12 to protest the potential rollback of net neutrality rules proposed by the Federal Communications Commission.  Announced Tuesday, the internet-wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality will involve getting people to contact Congress and the FCC, said Evan Greer, campaign director for …

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Senators want FBI to investigate FCC’s alleged DDoS attack

Now playing: Watch this: ‘Last Week Tonight’ takes on the FCC, crashes its site… 1:48 The FCC still hasn’t provided any evidence it was hit by an alleged DDoS attack, but senators hope the FBI will. Here’s a breakdown of that alphabet soup we just served. In the first week of May, the Federal Communications Commission’s website went down after …

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Netflix is stepping back from the fight for net neutrality

Now playing: Watch this: Has Netflix gone soft on net neutrality? 1:15 Netflix is ready to wave the white flag when it comes to the war over net neutrality. The Federal Communications Commission and President Donald Trump want to tear down the rules governing an open internet that were put in place under the previous administration. While Netflix has been …

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Comcast accused of trying to censor anti

A digital rights advocacy group says it was threatened by Comcast lawyers after launching a website that is organizing an investigation into allegedly fake anti-net neutrality comments submitted to the FCC. Fight for the Future, which operates Comcastroturf.com, accused the cable giant of censorship on Tuesday after receiving a cease and desist letter that said the group was infringing on …

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FCC releases proposal to gut net neutrality rules

The Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday published the text of its proposal to roll back the agency’s net neutrality rules, allowing the public to comment on the new plan. The agency’s commissioners voted along party lines in support of the proposal (PDF), which aims to fulfill FCC Chairman FCC Ajit Pai’s promise to eliminate the utility-style regulatory framework the FCC …

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