Tag Archives: net-neutrality

FCC chairman calls Twitter the real threat to an open internet

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has gone on the attack to defend his proposal to roll back net neutrality regulations. Pai said in a speech Tuesday he wanted to “cut through the hysteria and hot air” about the proposal he unveiled last week to unwind the Obama-era rules that prevent broadband companies from controlling consumers’ internet …

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Tech companies ask FCC to keep net neutrality rules

More than 200 companies, including AirBnb, Reddit and Twitter, are urging the Federal Communications Commission to reconsider its plan to repeal its net neutrality regulations. In a letter addressed to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai on Monday, the companies asked the agency to reverse course and scrap plans to roll back most of the Obama-era regulations that prevent broadband providers from messing …

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Tech companies ask FCC to keep net neutrality rules

More than 200 companies, including AirBnb, Reddit and Twitter, are urging the Federal Communications Commission to reconsider its plan to repeal its net neutrality regulations. In a letter addressed to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai on Monday, the companies asked the agency to reverse course and scrap plans to roll back most of the Obama-era regulations that prevent broadband providers from messing …

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Hawaii’s Schatz: Net neutrality could be the next political movement

The Federal Communications Commission’s effort to repeal net neutrality regulations should be a rallying cry for internet-loving voters. That’s the message Sen. Brian Schatz, a Democrat from Hawaii, is promoting following news this week that the FCC is planning to vote next month on rolling back most of the Obama-era regulations that prevent broadband providers from messing with your internet …

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Net neutrality repeal: What it means for you

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai wants the US government to stop “micromanaging the internet.” On Tuesday he introduced a proposal to repeal the controversial 2015 net neutrality rules that prevented broadband companies from blocking or slowing down access to websites or services.  While many people agree with the basic principles of net neutrality, these specific rules have been a lightning rod …

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Reddit reacts to net neutrality’s impending demise

The FCC’s chief has dubbed it a “failed” attempt at “micromanaging the internet.” Digital civil liberties activists call it a principle that must be upheld. Now Reddit has weighed in on net neutrality, and its users are seeing red. Net neutrality is the principle that all internet traffic should be treated equally and that internet service providers can’t prioritize their …

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FCC’s Pai moves to eliminate net neutrality regulations

The Federal Communications Commission is planning a full repeal of Obama-era net neutrality rules, handing the broadband and wireless industries a big victory in the war against government oversight of the internet. On Tuesday, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai issued his proposal for dismantling the 2015 net neutrality regulations, which ensure all traffic on the internet is treated equally, and prevent …

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FCC plan to repeal net neutrality could soon be unveiled

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai will unveil his plan to dismantle net neutrality regulations to fellow commissioners on Tuesday, Politico reported Monday. Central to Pai’s plan is scrapping the 2015 Federal Communications Commission rules that bar internet service providers from blocking or slowing online content, the news site reported. Pai, an appointee of President Donald Trump, is also expected to eliminate …

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FCC votes to loosen media ownership rules, revamp Lifeline

The Republican-led FCC is making good on its promise to deregulate the communications industry, including a revamp of media ownership rules that will make it easier for big companies to own newspapers and more broadcast stations in a single market. But Democrats warn that those efforts will do more harm than good to consumers. Chairman Ajit Pai has aggressively worked …

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Senate reconfirms Pai as FCC chair

As expected, Ajit Pai will stay on as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission in spite of protests from pro-net-neutrality activists who pushed lawmakers to reject his reconfirmation. The US Senate voted 52-41 Monday to give Pai another five-year term on the commission. The confirmation is retroactive to July 2016, giving him at least another four years as chairman. Nominated …

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