Tag Archives: mozilla

To save net neutrality, Mozilla and others file appeal

The fight to reinstate net neutrality protections continued Friday, as Mozilla and others asked the full DC Circuit Court of Appeals to rehear their case challenging the Federal Communications Commission’s 2017 repeal of the rules. Mozilla and Public Knowledge, one of the public interest groups that intervened in the lawsuit, say they’re seeking the rehearing …

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Don’t buy these gifts for your privacy

The holiday season is for sharing, but with some gifts, people could be sharing too much of their own personal data. That voice assistant that’s half off on Black Friday might seem like a great gift to you, but you may want to be more cautious for a person focused on their privacy.  Navigating the privacy terms for every single tech …

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Brave 1.0 browser review: Browse faster and safer while ticking off advertisers

A long period of beta incubation has come to an end with the release of Brave 1.0, the privacy-focused speed demon of a browser that’s been turning heads with its cavalier approach to ad-blocking and its promises of cryptocurrency payouts. The open source brainchild of Javascript creator and Mozilla project co-founder Brendan Eich, Brave now touts more than 8 million users …

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Brave browser 1.0 arrives, bringing its privacy

After four years of development, Brave Software has released version 1.0 of its browser, an iconoclastic product that strips out conventional website advertisements but that can pay you to see other ads the browser itself supplies. The update brings the payment scheme to iPhones and iPads, meaning that Apple mobile device owners using the browser can now cash in on …

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Firefox to crack down on pesky notification pop

You know when you visit a website and a message immediately pops up asking permission to send you notifications? And you know how you’re probably annoyed by it? Well, Mozilla plans to block that behavior by default in Firefox. Google is exploring a crackdown in Chrome, too. Mozilla studied the situation and found that we really, really don’t like those …

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Latest Firefox browser shows who’s tracking you, because we all care about privacy now

If you’re serious about protecting your information online, Firefox and its collection of privacy tools can guard your personal data as you browse websites.  By default now, Mozilla’s Firefox web browser for Windows and MacOS will protect you from trackers that gather your browsing history, cross-site tracking cookies that follow you from site to site (and is how ads follow …

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Mozilla is sharing YouTube horror stories to prod Google for more transparency

Mozilla is publishing anecdotes of YouTube viewing gone awry — anonymous stories from people who say they innocently searched for one thing but eventually ended up in a dark rabbit hole of videos. It’s a campaign aimed at pressuring Google’s massive video site to make itself more accessible to independent researchers trying to study its algorithms.  “The big problem is we have …

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Net neutrality court ruling: States can set own rules

A federal appeals court on Tuesday issued a mixed ruling on the Federal Communications Commission repeal of Obama-era net neutrality rules. The court upheld the FCC’s repeal of the rules, but struck down a key provision that blocked states from passing their own net neutrality protections. The DC Circuit Court of Appeals also remanded another piece of the order back …

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With Firefox, stop leaking your data across the internet

Tired of leaking data across the web? The Firefox browser and its privacy tools can help protect you and your data as you visit websites. Among the threats Mozilla’s Firefox web browser for Windows and MacOS can protect you from are trackers that gather your browsing history, cryptominers that secretly use your device’s resources to mine cryptocurrency and fingerprinters that …

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You’ll get a new Firefox each month in 2020 as Mozilla speeds up releases

Mozilla will turn the Firefox crank faster in 2020, releasing a new version of its web browser every four weeks instead of every six. If you’re using the browser, the change should deliver new features to you faster since there will be less waiting between when developers build them and when they arrive. “In recent quarters, we’ve had many requests …

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