Tag Archives: microsoft

5 reasons not to upgrade to Windows 10

Microsoft’s free Windows 10 upgrade offer is ending soon — July 29, to be exact. If you’re currently running Windows 7, 8, or 8.1, you might be feeling the pressure to upgrade for free (while you still can). Not so fast! While a free upgrade is always tempting, Windows 10 might not be the operating …

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Newspapers to Brave browser: Don’t mess with our ads

Browser maker Brave Software wants to rid the Web of the worst parts of online advertising, but the biggest newspapers in the US have launched an attack against the “illegal” plan. Lawyers from The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and other members of the Newspaper Association of America published a letter Thursday that threatens legal action against …

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The Xbox is finally becoming a Windows PC. Do you care?

If an inexpensive $300 Xbox game console could double as a Windows computer, would you use it that way? This summer, Xbox One owners will finally be given that option. Microsoft will turn the separate Windows 10 and Xbox One app stores into a single shared marketplace, the company confirmed at a developer conference Wednesday. What that means: Users should …

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It’s not just Zuckerberg: Microsoft wants to build a real Jarvis too

Microsoft has seen the future, and it’s filled with bots. No, not robots or flying drones, but rather these new apps that can perform simple tasks at your beck and call. Want to book a flight? Microsoft believes a bot can do that for you. Need to remember to send an email to your boss? A bot can remind you. …

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How to prepare for your digital afterlife

You’re probably not going to die any time soon (knock on wood), but it’s never a bad idea to prepare for the worst. Your will may take care of who gets your car when you pass away, but what about who gets your Facebook account? Or who’s allowed to access your Gmail data? Managing your digital afterlife can be tough, …

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Don’t hold your breath for an Xbox VR headset

Xbox VR? Don’t bet on it. Microsoft doesn’t see the need to produce its own virtual reality headset — and even if it did, that headset probably wouldn’t plug into an Xbox game console in the same way that rival Sony’s PlayStation VR headset works. “Would we ever do our own VR device? We could, if we thought we had …

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Clearing Google’s hurdle, Brave’s ad

Despite troubles convincing Google that its app is legit, Brave Software’s browser is now available to anyone who is sick of annoying mobile ads. Apple added Brave for iPhones and iPads to its app store on Friday, but Google rejected the app twice before publishing Brave for Android devices in the Google Play app store Tuesday night. Google’s opposition, which …

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Virtual reality let me paint in space, and it was pure magic

I’ve just walked half a mile up a mountain in the snow, but that’s not what’s taken my breath away. That honour belongs to Quill, a new virtual-reality tool from Oculus that allows you to paint in the air around you simply by waving your hands. It’s one of many cool and clever virtual-reality developments here at the 2016 Sundance …

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How I upgraded Office 365 Personal to Office 365 Home for $10

Microsoft Office is a need for some, a preference for others. In both cases it’s an expensive proposition, with the one-user Office 365 Personal edition costing $69.99 and five-license Office 365 Home costing $99.99 — per year. However, there’s a way to game the system, to turn a Personal subscription into a Home subscription for a one-time charge of $9.99. …

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How to avoid mobile roaming charges overseas

Even the seasoned travellers have nightmares about returning from holidays to face a $2,000 mobile phone bill. But if you’re planning a trip abroad, there’s plenty you can do to minimise roaming charges. Whether it’s knowing what to set up before you leave or what to do when you’re on the ground, here are our tips (some of them very …

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