Tag Archives: legislation

Democrats unite to resist FCC net neutrality repeal

On Tuesday, congressional Democrats delivered on their promise to introduce a resolution to roll back the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of net neutrality rules. Sen. Ed Markey, a Democrat from Massachusetts, led the charge in the Senate to introduce a bill that uses a legislative tool known as the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to nullify …

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Online sex trafficking is target of bill passed by House

The US House of Representatives on Tuesday approved legislation intended to curb online sex trafficking by holding website operators more accountable for their users’ activities. The measure, passed by the House 388-25, would amend a section of the Communications Decency Act by including the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act, S. 1693. The bill would make it a crime to operate …

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Fake missile alert prompts proposed law about federal oversight

US Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii, the top Democrat on the Senate Commerce Committee, wants to make sure local authorities never send a mistaken missile alert again. US Sen. Brian Schatz (left), Democrat of Hawaii, said he plans to introduce legislation to make federal agencies solely responsible for sending alerts about a missile attack. A Hawaiian state agency bungled a …

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Montana becomes the first state to implement net neutrality

Unhappy with the Federal Communication Commission’s repeal of net neutrality regulations? Well, you could move to Montana. Montana’s Democratic Gov. Steve Bullock on Monday signed an executive order requiring all internet service providers with state contracts to commit to net neutrality, the principle that all traffic on the internet should be treated equally. That makes Montana the first state to …

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Net neutrality allies are ready to fight. But can it be saved?

The battle to save net neutrality is heating up. Senate Democrats have edged closer to overturning the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of Obama-era net neutrality regulation, and lawsuits challenging the agency have been filed. But net neutrality supporters shouldn’t hold their breath. These efforts are long shots. Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida is flanked by Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts …

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Democrats force Senate vote on net neutrality repeal

Senate Democrats have enough support to force a vote on reversing the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of Obama-era net neutrality regulations. Sen. Claire McCaskill, a Democrat from Missouri, said Monday she will be the 30th co-sponsor of a bill that will use the Congressional Review Act to reverse the FCC’s vote to dismantle net neutrality rules. By Tuesday 40 senators …

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Trump pushes for more broadband in rural areas

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Monday aimed at making it easier for companies to deploy high-speed broadband networks in rural areas.  Speaking at the annual convention of the American Farm Bureau Federation in Nashville Monday, Trump unveiled and then signed a presidential order that expedites federal permitting to allow broadband expansion in rural areas and makes it easier …

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Net neutrality isn’t dead, says Sen. Brian Schatz

Democrats on Capitol Hill say they aren’t giving up on their fight to preserve Obama-era net neutrality rules, which were eliminated Thursday by Republicans in the FCC. U.S. Sens. Ed Markey of Massachusetts and Brian Schatz of Hawaii are leading more than a dozen senators to introduce a Congressional Review Act resolution aimed at undoing the FCC’s actions and fully …

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Here are the full opinions of FCC commissioners who voted down net neutrality

On Thursday, the Federal Communications Commission voted along party lines to overturn net neutrality, Obama-era rules that ensured all traffic on the internet is treated equally. So why do it? Here’s the full text of statements from Chairman Ajit Pai, Commissioner Brendan Carr and Commissioner Michael O’Rielly. You can read more from the FCC commissioners in our interviews and other coverage.  On …

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Read the full dissenting opinions of the FCC commissioners who tried to save net neutrality

Net neutrality has just been neutered in the US. On Thursday, with a 3-2 vote along party lines, the Republican-led Federal Communications Commission stripped itself of the authority to ensure traffic on the internet is treated equally, so US internet service providers can’t block, slow or speed up online content. Needless to say, the two Democratic FCC commissioners who voted …

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