Tag Archives: legislation

AT&T is cutting off all location

AT&T says it will no longer sell your location data to aggregation services. Lawmakers called on the FCC to investigate breach of privacy after Motherboard reported that mobile carriers, like T-Mobile, Sprint and AT&T, provided phone location data to third-party trackers. Carriers offered location data for legitimate services, such as fraud prevention and emergency roadside assistance, but the …

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Net neutrality battle heads to court in 2019

Time’s run out for net neutrality supporters hoping to restore Obama-era regulations using a legislative loophole, but the fight’s far from over as it heads to federal appeals court. Democrats in the House of Representatives failed to gather enough votes by the end of the year to use the Congressional Review Act to undo the Federal Communications Commission’s rollback of …

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Activists target telecom

Net neutrality supporters are turning up the heat on a small number of Congressional Democrats who haven’t yet thrown their support behind a measure to reinstate Obama-era net neutrality rules by the end of the year. The effort comes as pro-net neutrality lawmakers try to use a legislative loophole known as the Congressional Review Act to overturn the FCC’s repeal …

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California agrees to not enforce net neutrality law…for now.

California has agreed to not enforce its net neutrality law until a lawsuit challenging the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of the federal regulations is resolved. The agreement is part of a temporary deal struck with the US Justice Department, which is suing the state over its new law. The deal still has to be approved by a judge.  California’s law …

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YouTube CEO asks creators to ‘take action’ against EU copyright law

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki on Monday spoke out against a proposed copyright law in Europe, and she appealed to content creators on the platform to take the lead in the protest. The legislation, Article 13 of the EU’s Directive on Copyright, would impose tougher regulations on platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to make sure they aren’t in violation of …

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How 5G pits the FCC and carriers against local governments

Given the hype and interest around 5G, you’d think any community would welcome the next-generation cellular technology with open arms. Not Doylestown, Pennsylvania. When cell tower operator Crown Castle in 2014 proposed to erect dozens of 5G small-cell antennas for Verizon along the town’s streets, Doylestown pushed back. Residents of the quaint community, nestled in the heart of history-rich Bucks …

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California’s net neutrality law sparks Justice Department lawsuit

California Gov. Jerry Brown on Sunday signed into law the strictest set of net neutrality protections ever seen in the US — and the Trump administration immediately said it’d challenge the state’s authority in court. Up against a midnight deadline, Brown, a Democrat, signed a bill that uses Obama-era net neutrality protections as the basis for state law. Those earlier …

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UK government could police social media with internet regulator

The British government could be preparing to set up an internet regulator that would police the actions of social networks and sanction them if they failed to comply with rules. Buzzfeed News reported on Thursday that it had obtained details of government proposals, which form part of legislation currently being drafted ahead of an official announcement later this year. One …

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Massachusetts proposes net neutrality law to call out bad ISPs

Massachusetts plans to protect net neutrality by naming and shaming internet service providers that don’t adhere to open internet principles. Lawmakers in the state Senate have proposed a bill (S2160) that would create an “internet service provider registry” to track whether broadband and wireless providers adhere to policies that keep the internet open and neutral. That includes ensuring that content …

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House Republican sides with Democrats to save net neutrality

Rep. Mike Coffman from Colorado has become the first Republican in the House to join Democrats in the effort to save the Obama-era 2015 net neutrality rules. On Tuesday, Coffman told the website Politico that he plans to support the Congressional Review Act resolution drafted by Democrats, which aims to save rules the Republican-led Federal Communications Commission rolled back in …

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