Tag Archives: ibm

Intel is giving away 8,000 retro

It’s a big year for Intel. The company turns 50 this year (that’s a helluva lot in silicon years) and its original 8086 processor, the same one used in IBM’s original PC design, is turning 40. So to celebrate, Intel is turning positively Wonka-esque and giving away 8,086 brand new eighth-gen Intel Core i7 chips. …

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It’s a billion-dollar question: Should we care that there’s a GH59-09418A printed circuit board inside a Samsung smartphone? At US District Court in San Jose, California, the heart of Silicon Valley, Apple and Samsung are trying to persuade a jury to see smartphones in very different ways. An earlier trial in the seven-year case already determined that Samsung infringed three …

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Apple Macs may use own chips, drop Intel’s, as early as 2020

Apple may start using its own chips in Mac computers as soon as 2020. The company is in the early stages of creating its own processors for the MacBook and iMac, which currently run on Intel chips, according to unnamed sources speaking to Bloomberg on Monday.   Should this happen, the Mac computer line would have a similar processor strategy to the …

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Google reportedly explores blockchain tech in cloud computing service

It looks like the blockchain bug might have bitten Google. The tech colossus’ cloud computing group is working on a service that could let customers use the heavily hyped transaction processing technology, Bloomberg reported Wednesday. Blockchain is a potentially disruptive technology to track assets and transactions in a digital record held collectively among many computers instead of a single centralized …

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Turing Award goes to Hennessy, Patterson for inventing RISC chips

Dave Patterson and John Hennessy, two San Francisco Bay Area professors now associated with Google, have won the computing industry’s top prize for revolutionizing processors with a technology called RISC. The pair won the 2017 A.M. Turing Award from the Association for Computing Machinery, a $1 million prize named after Alan Turing, the British researcher who famously helped crack German Enigma …

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IBM fighting counterfeiters with world’s smallest computer

It’s smaller than a grain of salt, but it could soon help guarantee that the products you buy are the real deal and not a knockoff.  At IBM’s Think 2018 conference, the company announced the creation of the world’s smallest computer that despite its size and cost (each will be less than 10 cents to make) can “monitor, analyze, communicate …

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Where’s the streaming video you really want to see? Good question

Even for streaming video, it’s true what they say: You can’t always get what you want.  The top complaint consumers have about streaming-video services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Hulu is lack of content, according to a survey by IBM Cloud Video, which powers streaming for online video providers. Nearly half of those users say video-streaming services rarely or …

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Get an Apple TV (32GB) for $84.55

CNET’s Cheapskate scours the web for great deals on PCs, phones, gadgets and much more. Questions about the Cheapskate blog? Find the answers on our FAQ page. Find more great buys on the CNET Deals page and follow the Cheapskate on Facebook and Twitter! At $149, the fourth-gen Apple TV is overpriced. But at $84.55? Now we’re getting somewhere. Sarah Tew/CNET Today …

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Walmart not ready to add employee Macs to reduce costs

Walmart has long trumpeted the cost savings it offers customers, but despite reports to the contrary, it has no immediate plans to push Apple Macs on employees to save itself some money. Walmart supposedly offered a peek at the program Wednesday during the Jamf Nation User Conference, one of the largest gatherings of Apple system administrators in the world. Walmart …

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ThinkPad Anniversary Edition 25 looks like an expensive oddity

I don’t feel the nostalgia some people do for their old tech: I don’t miss my old Palm Pilot, the Toshiba laptop I paid way too much for in the ’90s (the model name of which escapes me), my Canon Elan IIe film camera or any other hardware I’ve used over the years. So I really don’t get why anyone …

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