Tag Archives: ibm

IBM now has 18 quantum computers in its fleet of weird machines

IBM now has 18 quantum computers, an increase of three this quarter that underscores the company’s effort to benefit from a revolutionary type of computing. Dario Gil, head of IBM Research and a champion of its quantum computing effort, disclosed the number at the Big Blue’s Think conference Wednesday. Eighteen quantum computers might not sound …

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Sixteen supercomputers tackle coronavirus cures in US

The US government, industry and academia have pooled efforts to fight the coronavirus by offering researchers access to some of the world’s most powerful supercomputers from IBM, along with cloud-computing resources from Amazon, Microsoft and Google. The COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium can be used for work like projecting the disease’s spread and modeling possible medicines. “By pooling the supercomputing …

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IBM Debater AI tech now is a service any customer can use

In 2018, IBM debuted technology called IBM Debater that used artificial intelligence technology to read lots of documents and take on a human in a competitive debate about issues like whether we should subsidize preschools. In 2019, Big Blue pitted IBM Debater against a champion debater in a live-streamed competition. And now you can use IBM Debater technology to find …

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Our quantum computer will get 100,000x faster by 2025, Honeywell says

If you’ve been paying attention to quantum computing, you’ll have seen familiar names — IBM, Google, Microsoft, Intel and Amazon — trying to bring about this revolution. Now a name from computing’s distant past wants a turn.  Honeywell, which once sold massive mainframes but withdrew from the business decades ago, said Tuesday that it expects to improve the performance of …

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Quantum computing leaps ahead in 2019 with new power and speed

Quantum computers are getting a lot more real. No, you won’t be playing Call of Duty on one anytime soon. But Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Rigetti Computing and IBM all made important advances in 2019 that could help bring computers governed by the weird laws of atomic-scale physics into your life in other ways. Google’s declaration of quantum supremacy was the most …

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Amazon Web Services brings quantum computing to the cloud

Amazon Web Services has announced three quantum computing services that’ll bring the super-futuristic supercomputing technology within reach of everyday folks, as reported Monday by CNET sister site ZDNet. During its annual AWS re:Invent conference, it unveiled Amazon Braket, the AWS Center for Quantum Computing and the Amazon Quantum Solutions Lab. AWS noted in its announcement that it had joked 10 …

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Tim Cook discusses Steve Jobs, environmental efforts and privacy at Dreamforce 2019

People want to understand what makes Apple tick. Which is part of why whenever CEO Tim Cook talks, we all tend to listen. During a fireside chat at the annual Dreamforce conference for business software company Salesforce in San Francisco, Cook talked about why Apple’s been pushing on environmental issues, “Dreamers” and more. “People told us there was no way …

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For faster quantum computing, Microsoft builds a better qubit

Google just announced quantum supremacy, a milestone in which the radically different nature of a quantum computer lets it vastly outpace a traditional machine. But Microsoft expects progress of its own by redesigning the core element of quantum computing, the qubit. Microsoft has been working on a qubit technology called a topological qubit that it expects will deliver benefits from …

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This story is part of The 2010s: A Decade in Review, a series on the memes, people, products, movies and so much more that have influenced the 2010s. When I started at CNET 10 years ago my beat was laptop reviews. I admitted, even then, that I wasn’t terribly interested in laptops, and I’m still not. What I was excited …

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Google’s quantum supremacy only a first taste of a computing revolution

Google’s success at achieving quantum supremacy sounds like a momentous victory. But really, it’s just the first step in making this radical new type of computing useful. On Wednesday, Google published a scientific paper in the journal Nature detailing how its quantum computer vastly outpaced a conventional machine, an idea called quantum supremacy. Powered by a Google-designed quantum processor called …

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