Tag Archives: ftc

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson isn’t offering you $1.85 million

Technically Incorrect offers a slightly twisted take on the tech that’s taken over our lives. Not quite that generous. NurPhoto The State of the Union is currently rather generous, some might say. There have been tax cuts for the American people and very big tax cuts for the country’s favorite people — corporations, that is. Employees …

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The FCC made life easier for your internet provider in 2017

President Donald Trump’s Federal Communications Commission has wasted little time making big and small changes to your life — even if you haven’t noticed. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, who enjoys a 3-2 Republican majority on the commission, has taken Trump’s pro-business, anti-regulation ethos to heart and has raced to roll back rules governing how the internet and service providers work. …

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Here are the full opinions of FCC commissioners who voted down net neutrality

On Thursday, the Federal Communications Commission voted along party lines to overturn net neutrality, Obama-era rules that ensured all traffic on the internet is treated equally. So why do it? Here’s the full text of statements from Chairman Ajit Pai, Commissioner Brendan Carr and Commissioner Michael O’Rielly. You can read more from the FCC commissioners in our interviews and other coverage.  On …

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Read the full dissenting opinions of the FCC commissioners who tried to save net neutrality

Net neutrality has just been neutered in the US. On Thursday, with a 3-2 vote along party lines, the Republican-led Federal Communications Commission stripped itself of the authority to ensure traffic on the internet is treated equally, so US internet service providers can’t block, slow or speed up online content. Needless to say, the two Democratic FCC commissioners who voted …

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Net neutrality, neutered: FCC votes out Obama

Internet service providers got an early Christmas gift. The Federal Communications Commission voted Thursday to repeal Obama-era net neutrality rules, handing the broadband and wireless industries a big victory in their battle against government oversight of the internet. The Republican-led FCC voted 3-2 along party lines to dismantle the 2015 regulations, which ensured all traffic on the internet is treated …

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Hawaii’s Schatz: Net neutrality could be the next political movement

The Federal Communications Commission’s effort to repeal net neutrality regulations should be a rallying cry for internet-loving voters. That’s the message Sen. Brian Schatz, a Democrat from Hawaii, is promoting following news this week that the FCC is planning to vote next month on rolling back most of the Obama-era regulations that prevent broadband providers from messing with your internet …

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Net neutrality repeal: What it means for you

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai wants the US government to stop “micromanaging the internet.” On Tuesday he introduced a proposal to repeal the controversial 2015 net neutrality rules that prevented broadband companies from blocking or slowing down access to websites or services.  While many people agree with the basic principles of net neutrality, these specific rules have been a lightning rod …

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Hiding a hack? Uber may have violated FTC settlement

Uber is in hot water for waiting a whole year to announce a data breach of information on 57 million users, and not just with angry riders and drivers. The company is now under a microscope with regulators, who want to enforce rules that required the company to come clean sooner.  The New York State Attorney General has opened an …

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FCC’s Pai moves to eliminate net neutrality regulations

The Federal Communications Commission is planning a full repeal of Obama-era net neutrality rules, handing the broadband and wireless industries a big victory in the war against government oversight of the internet. On Tuesday, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai issued his proposal for dismantling the 2015 net neutrality regulations, which ensure all traffic on the internet is treated equally, and prevent …

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FTC reportedly probing TripAdvisor for deleting rape reports

The Federal Trade Commission is reportedly investigating TripAdvisor after the travel recommendation site was accused of censoring users’ reports of rape and assault in reviews of resorts on the site. The investigation was revealed in a letter sent last week to Sen. Tammy Baldwin, a Wisconsin Democrat, by the FTC, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported Tuesday. “The commission has a …

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